

Who won the Greek war salamis?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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11y ago

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There was no Greek war Salamis.

There was a sea battle in which the fleet of the southern Greek cities defeated a Persian-led fleet of warships supplied by its subject territories - Phoenicias, Asian-Greek and Egyptian.

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6mo ago

The Greek city-state of Athens emerged as the victor in the naval Battle of Salamis during the Greco-Persian Wars. Led by Themistocles, the Athenian fleet defeated the Persian navy, which was under the command of King Xerxes I. The victory at Salamis was a significant turning point in the war and helped secure Greek independence from the Persian Empire.

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What happened during the Salamis war?

There was no Salamis War. The sea battle of Salamis 480 BCE, won by the Greek navy, was a turning point in the invasion of mainland Greece by Persia. The following year 479 BCe the Greek army won at Plataia and the remainder of the Persian navy was destroyed at Mykale.

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There was no Salamis war. There was a naval battle of Salamis which was part of the Greek strategy to repel the Persian invasion of the Greek mainland in 480 BCE.

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The Greeks did because they had smaller and faster Greek ships (came right from my social studies book) hope i could help :)

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First of all the Athenians did not win the battle of salamis, the Greeks did and they won because they had smaller and faster Greek ships

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It was the Battle of Thermopylae in the Second Persian War. The Greeks won. Shortly after Thermopylae the Athenian Navy defeated the Persian Navy at Salamis, and in the next year the Persian Army was defeated by a combined Greek Army at Plataea.

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The Greek defeat of the Persoan fleet at Salamis.

How long did the Battle of Salamis last?

In 480 BCE when the Greek fleed defeated the Persian fleet.

What war is Greek's famous for winning?

The battle of Salamis, the battle of Thermopylae and the battle of Marathon is the famous battle in Greek.

Persian War site of Greek naval victory?

Salamis, Mycale, Eurymedon, Cyprus.

Which battles in the Persians Wars did these factors contribute to a Greek victory?

The Greek won through superior sea (Salamis) and land (Plataea) tactics.

Who fought and won in the battle of Salamis?

An alliance of a couple of dozen southern Greek city-states led by Sparta defeated the Persian invasion fleet at Salamis in 480 BCE.

What are the sites of Greek naval victories during Persian War?

Salamis, Mycale, Eurymedon, Cyprus.