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the spanish

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Q: Who won the initial battle between the Spanishand Aztecs?
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How did the spanish win the battle against Aztecs and Incas?

its because the spanish had better armer than the incas and were better fighters.

How did Hernando Cortes get to Aztec city?

He was using a Aztec woman named Malinche. Then Malinche led Cortes and his men to the Aztec City, Tenochtitlan. Cortes was determined to break the power of the Aztecs and took Moctezuma hostage. The Aztecs then called Malinche a traitor. Which then they battled, the Spanish had an advantage in battle because they had better weapons and horses. The Spanish had wiped out millions of Aztecs,which led to the end of the Aztecs.

What happened with the battle against the Aztecs and The Spaniadrs?

well the spanis brougth like 100 thousand native to concure Tenochtitlan and the aztecs almost won even after being ravaged by small pox. the aztec would have won if Moctezuma had been less reluctant to fight Cortés .Moctezuma people accidentally killed him and replaced him with his brother who died from smallpox so lack of leadership was a problem

Why are Aztecs famous?

they were famous because they could defeat any army in battle and other armies didn't go next to them so they cant be sacrificed.

Why were Aztecs called the heart eating Aztecs?

I don't believe the Aztecs actually ate hearts. However, they did sacrifice people by cutting out their hearts while they were still alive. Apparently, the still beating heart was a great gift to the Gods! Another little fact is that they also thought that children were the best to sacrifice! The Aztecs may have been called 'heart-eating Aztecs' because, during war, the Aztec soldiers would capture the enemy. After the battle, the prisoners of war would be sacrificed. Seeing as how the priest only needed the heart for the Gods, the rest of the body was untouched. However, the Aztecs also believed it was customary for the person who caught the sacrifice to eat the rest of the body... which is maybe why the Aztecs were called 'heart-eating Aztecs'.