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Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election defeating Hillary Clinton. In the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton received 227 electoral votes. Due to faithless voting, others receiving electoral votes were Colin Powell 3, Bernie Sanders 1, Ron Paul 1, John Kasich 1, and Faith Spotted Eagle 1. The popular vote totals were Clinton 65,794,399 and Trump 62,955,202.

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The election has not yet been held- neither one is winning at this time.

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Donald Trump

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Who won the popular vote in 2016 election?

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, receiving about 2.9 million more votes than Donald Trump. However, Donald Trump won the Electoral College and thus became President.

How many times in history has a candidate won the popular vote and won the electoral vote for president?

The last time it happened was in 2000, when George Walker Bush and Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. ran for President. Al Gore won the popular vote but had 266 electoral votes. George Walker Bush had 271 electoral votes and won after losing the popular vote.

What as the actual Iowa Vote count for the Presidential election of Hillary and Trump in 2016 general election?

Donald Trump won Iowa's 6 electoral votes in the 2016 election. The popular vote count was Donald Trump 800,983 and Hillary Clinton 653,669.

Who won the presidential election 2016?

Donald Trump won the presidency. He will take office at noon on January 20th, 2017. He had 276 electoral votes. Hillary Clinton gained 218, but won the popular vote by 3 million.

Is Donald trump losing the vote?

Yes. Donald Trump did not win the national popular vote, but won the Electoral College vote - which is how the President is selected. Anti-Trump factions have been trying to prove that Russia had involvements in the election that might have affected the outcome. After a year, they have not come up with anything definitive. To date, it seems the DNC might have been more actively involved with Russia than the GOP. The Investigation is ongoing.

Who won the presidential election for Alabama 2016?

Donald Trump won Alabama's 9 electoral votes in the 2016 election. The popular vote count was Donald Trump 1,318,255 and Hillary Clinton 729,547.

Who will win the presidential election 2016?

Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election defeating Hillary Clinton. In the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton received 227 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Clinton 65,794,399 and Trump 62,955,202.

Who won Maryland electoral votes?

Maryland cast its 10 electoral votes for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. The popular vote count was Hillary Clinton 1,677,928 and Donald Trump 943,169.

How many people voted democrat in Iowa?

Donald Trump won Iowa's 6 electoral votes in the 2016 election. The popular vote count was Donald Trump 800,983 and Hillary Clinton 653,669.

How many delegates did Hillary Clinton win in Iowa?

Hillary Clinton did not get any electoral college delegates in the 2016 election. Donald Trump won Iowa's 6 electoral votes in the 2016 election. The popular vote count was Donald Trump 800,983 and Hillary Clinton 653,669.

How many counties did trump win and how many did hillary win?

This can't be answered because we would have to break down the data for each state, each city within that state, and each district. It is enough to say she won the popular vote but lost the election.

How many votes cast in 2016 presidential election?

Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election defeating Hillary Clinton. In the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton received 227 electoral votes. Due to faithless voting, others receiving electoral votes were Colin Powell 3, Bernie Sanders 1, Ron Paul 1, John Kasich 1, and Faith Spotted Eagle 1. The popular vote totals were Clinton 65,794,399 and Trump 62,955,202.