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Q: Who won the treton babble the british or colonist?
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How was the battle of treton won?


Why was the battle of Treton significant?

Trenton was the first battle Washington won. It was much needed because winning against the British seemed an impossible task.

War between british and the colonist outcome?

The outcome was that the colinist won. The outcome was that the colinist won.

Would life had been better if the british had won and the colonist did not get there freedom?

I think not. If we had lost, then

How were the Yamasee defeated?

British Governor Charles Cravendefeated the Yamasee at Salkechuh

Describe the conflicting arguments of colonist and Britain concernign taxes?

The colonist thought that they did not deserve to be taxed since they won the war for the British, but the British thought differently. The British saw it as since they supplies and funded food and supplies for the soldiers that it was fair. But why did the British need to tax the colonist? Well after supplying good for the colonist they were in severe debt. They thought the best way to get out of debt was to tax the colonist on everything. From sugar, to even taxing them on important document. It later turned into the British taxing them on basically everything.

Who was the winner of the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The British, but this is only because the Colonist ran out of ammunition. In the long run the British lost more soldiers than the Colonist did. (The British lost about 2,000 and the Colonist only about 600.)

Why was it suprising that the colonist won the American revolution?

because the Americans were not trained and they were weak and the British were strong and trained so it was a surprise that the Americans one

Who won the battle of Lexington?

It really was not much of a battle. About 70 colonist militia met the British and realizing they were greatly outnumbered, dispersed with few loses, so you can say the British won. the British then marched on to Concord. Along the way militia men hid in the wood and picked the British off.

The colonist won the war with britains surrender at?


Why did the colonist get involved in this war and how the British government was involved?

The Revolutionary War started because of the colonists anger toward the British. The British taxed the colonists on many things and took complete control over the colonists so they fought for freedom and eventually the colonists won.

Why were colonist happy after the Revolutionary War?

The colonist were happy because they won the American Revolution securing their freedom from Britain.