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Israel. There are some debates as to whether Egypt won in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 or Hezbollah won in the Lebanon War of 2006, but it is generally accepted that Israel was victorious in nearly every conflict it has fought in.

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Q: Who won the wars between israel and its neighboring states?
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Who did America support in the Israeli wars?

The United States has consistently supported Israel since 1967. Prior to this point, the United States had a pro-Israel stance, but behaved in a neutral manner.

Which three neighboring states fought wars with Israel in 1948 1956 1967 and 1973?

Three? It was more like six.Egypt, Syria, Jordon, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia ... not including the Holy War Army and the Arab Liberation Army thrown in the mix.

How many times has Israel attacked its neighboring countries since its creation in 1948?

1) In 1956, Israel attacked Egypt with the prompting of the United Kingdom and France. 2) In 1967, Israel attacked Egypt responding to an Egyptian blockade of Israel's southern port. All other wars that Israel has participated in have been brought about due to attacks on its land or its people first.

Wars between or among one or more states are referred to as?

interstate wars

How many wars have been from Arab-speaking countries?

The Crucades, the wars between Egypt and Israel, the Iraq War, the Current War on Afganistan.

Why did the Iran-Israel War start?

Currently, there is no war between Iran and Israel. There are a number of proxy wars and assassinations which are discussed in the Related Question below.

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What date did Israel first begin?

It was established in 1948 following the British withdrawal from Palestine, which had been divided by recommendation of the United Nations into Jewish and Arab states. Discord with neighboring Arab countries that had rejected the UN partition led to numerous wars, notably in 1948-1949, 1956-1957, 1967, and 1973.

If Israel unilaterally attacks Iran and Iran responds by declaring war on Israel do USA-Israel accords obligate the USA to declare war on Iran?

The United States is not obligated by any standing treaty between the United States and Israel to intercede in Israel's defense. To date, of the numerous wars that Israel has fought, the United States has only ever provided economic support or gifting weapons. No American Soldier has given his life in an Israeli War. If Iran declared war on Israel, the United States would probably act similarly and may itself declare war on Iran, but this will not be out of any written treaty, but purely based on American regional interests.

Why had the four wars not resolved the conflict between Israelis and the Arabs by the end of 1973?

The four wars were fought by nations with completely opposing rationales for the wars. The Arab countries up to that point were consistently fighting wars with the intent to remove the State of Israel. Therefore, after each failure, they came to try again. When a country is completely opposed to the existence of another country, they will not try to negotiate with it to resolve the conflict because the other country will not concede their non-existence; it's a non-starter. Israel, in each of the four wars, fought to protect its interest in survival. (1956 was about economic survival.) Israel consistently tried to negotiate with the Arab States only to receive the Khartoum Declaration in 1967: No recognition of Israel, no conciliation with Israel, and no negotiations.

Who had the most won wars in the Arab-Israeli wars?


What country protects Israel?

Israel protects Israel. As for foreign allies, the United States is probably Israel's strongest ally, but the United States has never even sent an expeditionary force to join with Israel in any of its wars. (Whereas the Soviet Union actively sent soldiers to fight in the War of Attrition of 1967-1970 and the Arab-Israeli War of 1973.) The main way that the United States protects Israel is by vetoing partisan UNSC resolutions.