

Who would be killed easier werewolf or vampire?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Well, that depends on the position you're in. Though I think a vampire can be easier killed than a werewolf.

Vampires can traditionally be killed by a stake to the heart, sunlight, holy water (if you have enough), and possibly garlic. Werewolves can traditionally be killed by silver and not much else.

While vampires have many things that can be their demise, you would still have to get them into a good enough position to use it. Vampires are usually stalkers of the night and try not to place themselves in potentially fatal positions (for themselves). They also hide out during the day, so even trying to get close enough to do damage can be extremely difficult. But a flaw with vampires is that they can sometimes be easily found out using mirrors, things that are holy, etc, so if you know who they are and where they live you can make a visit when they are at their weakest and finish them off.

Werewolves more often take a less subtle approach to stalking their prey, but still more or less hide out when they are not looking for victims. Since most know silver will kill a werewolf, once you find out who the werewolf is you can use a silver bullet without having to get in close quarters, as with vampires, to take them down. One of the problems with that is werewolves are swift and very, very strong, so if you can't shoot them before they transform, they'll reach, disable, and maul you. Something else that may pose a problem is that werewolves are not always easily figured out, but they can hone in on who's trying to take them down. They may kill you before you even know who they are.

So, all in all I say vampires are easier to kill because of these certain elements. Also, (and it may vary from story to story) a lot of stories say vampires can't enter your home without permission. The same is not so for werewolves. So, if a werewolf found out you were trying to kill it they could easily attack you off guard in the middle of the night while you were sleeping. As long as you're in your home at night when the vampire is out, they can't really touch you and you can plot to destroy him/her in the morning.

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