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Skim milk should be drunk by overweight people who doesn't want to build up fat through food intake. Skim milk is good for bones as they supply essential calcium required by the body

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Q: Who would have the highest need for skim milk in their diet?
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Why would someone need a lactose intolerance diet plan?

Some people are unable to digest lactose, which is found in milk and other dairy products. For these people, a diet specifically designed for lactose intolerance is a necessity.

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Type A diet plans would include but not be limited to the following foods; oatmeal, soy milk, maple syrup, greek salad, rice cakes, peanut butter, broccoli and herbal teas. There is no need to count calories in this type of diet.

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Bread and Milk. The Reason why we need these : They are our staple diet.

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Bandicoots need a diet for the same reason that humans need a diet. If they didn't eat, they would starve to death.

Why do you crave milk while on your period?

You ask this like craving milk during menstruation is the norm, which it isn't. Craving particular foods is your body telling you that you need something in your diet, with milk it's obvious that it's calcium and this would make sense as additional calcium is needed during menstruation, but there are better sources of calcium. Change your diet to include more calcium.

Why do do cats like milk?

Cats are mammals so they naturally drink milk from their mother when they are young. Milk is naturally high in fat and other nutrients, which is why cats will readily drink milk. Due to their carnivorous diet, cats need some fat in their diet.

Why do you need to drink milk everyday?

You actually should NOT being drinking milk AT ALL! Milk causes cancer so please take any dairy out of your diet or you have a HIGH risk of getting Cancer!

Why do you need organic molecules in your diet?

you need organic molecules in your diet because without them then you would not be a healthy human being.

Why milk is complete diet?

Milk is not a complete diet. It is a good source of protein. 6 cups of milk would meet your body's minimum daily needs. But, milk lacks essential vitamins and minerals; and it provides no fiber. And, whole milk is high in unhealthy saturated fat, so we really should be talking about drinking low-fat or no-fat milk. Your body needs about 70 grams of fat daily, which really ought to come from an unsaturated source other than milk. Also, in order to meet your body's daily carbohydrate needs, you would need to drink at least 25 cups each day; and what carbohydrates milk does contain are mainly sugars, with practically no desireable complex carbohydrates.

What medication would you need to produce breast milk?

You need malunggay capsules or the prolifera monera capsules to increase milk production.

A diet that contains just fruit is a good diet?

No, you need a balanced diet to get all the nutrients you need. See also:Could you describe a balanced diet?What features would a good weight-loss program have?