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The Mafia. A single Nazi could not take down one of the most prominent and sizable gangs.

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Q: Who would win a fight between the Nazis and the Jedi?
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How would win in a fight wolverine or a Jedi?

If the Jedi was allowed a lightsaber, then they would utterly mutilate wolverine. If it was a no-weapons allowed brawl, it woul be equal, if it was a cage fight then wolverine would win.

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The Jedi, they would be able to use the force on Superman before he even got to them.

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Well, Jedi's are very energetic while ninjas are super graceful. who knows?

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Bronze vs a light saber which could cut anything in its path! If Spartans were trying to sneak on a Jedi the Jedi would detect the Spartans movements and would cut him to ground beef before the Spartan could say boo!

What do Star Wars characters fight with?

Jedi fight with a lightsaber. The others mainly fight with blasters

Who would win Jedi or Sith?

If Sith and Jedi had a fair face off, Jedi would win as there are more Jedi than there are Sith.

How do you turn mira into a Jedi?

To become a Jedi in the Star Wars universe, Mira would have to undergo extensive training at the Jedi Temple under the guidance of a Jedi Master. She would need to learn to harness the Force, practice lightsaber combat, and adhere to the Jedi Code. Ultimately, the Jedi Council would need to formally recognize her as a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master.

Why does yoda from Star Wars fight?

Cause he's a Jedi and it's a Jedi's duty to protect as many lives as they can and keep the peace

How do you become a jedi on Star Wars Battlefront 1?

You can't become a Jedi or Sith but you can fight with it on your side or the opponent's.

Who kills Jedi Knight Ahsoka?

You can't kill a Jedi. Jedi use the Force, a lightsaber, and knowledge. If you are a normal human, you would fail unless you use a sonic weapon, or a flame thrower. If you are a Force sensitive human, you may be able to get some Force in the fight, but the Jedi would still win hands down. Even a youngling could beat you. If you are/were a Jedi or Sith, you stand a good chance. If you are a Sith you stand a better chance. If you are a Sith Lord going against a Jedi padawan, or knight, you are most likely going to win (I'm sorry to say). And if you are fighting a Jedi master.... Have fun. It would most likely be equal. So, Jedi are hard to kill (thank you very much). Do not go around picking a fight with one.

Who would win a fight jedi or dbz fighters?

DBZ hands down, can't really get out of the way of some of those energy blasts they toss around.