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Alligators are fresh water animals, sharks (with a few exceptions) are salt water. Crocodiles are salt water animals, and they probably eat as many sharks as sharks eat crocodiles.


All a shark would have to do is bite the Alligators stomach when it goes for air

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14y ago
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13y ago

an shark will win because an shark have little teeth but their sharp and they body size is 10000 pounds but aligator pound can go up to 900 but aligator have big teeth but its not that sharp like an shark teeth

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12y ago

Naturally this depends on what species and the size of the shark. A shark would have to be larger than a croc in order to win, otherwise the shark would end up as a meal for the crocodile.

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13y ago

the saltwater croc could kill all shark but the reste cant

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13y ago

It's a shark Ashely it dipens what kind of shark?

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14y ago

The shark would win

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11y ago


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4y ago

The crocodile would win.

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