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The wolves would win easily but they may not be able to catch the greyhounds.

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Q: Who would win in a fight a pack of greyhounds or a pack of wolves?
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Who would win in a fight a pack of wolves or a polar bear?

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With what do wolves fight?

Wolves fight with their teeth and claws. They ALWAYS fight with the pack. A wolf will never fight or hunt without their pack!

What are the fighting wolves in a wolf pack?

Any wolf in the pack can fight. Wolves fight to place each others pecking order.

What would eat a pack of wolves?

another pack of wolves

Do wolves gang up on a member of their pack?

No, but there is at times a fight for leadership of the pack.

What animal would eat a pack of wolves?

No animal would eat a pack of wolves. There can be as many as 20 in a pack.

What eats a pack of wolves?

Wolves do not have many predators. They tend to dominate their carnivorous competitors. However, a brown bear can overtake a wolf pack in a territorial fight.

Why happens if one wolf pack sees. Another?

Wolves are territorial, so two packs meeting would result in a fight. The resident pack will try to drive away the interloper pack.

What collective nouns for wolves?

The collective nouns are a pack of wolves or a rout (or route) of wolves.

Would a pack of grey wolves or a Siberian tiger win?

the wolves would