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Q: Who would win in a fight: Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader?
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Who would win in a fight anakin or Darth Vader?

Since Anakin Skywalker is the same person as Darth Vader, he cannot literally fight himself, but I could argue that in the end, when Darth Vader rebels against Emperor Palpatine, that is a victory for the person he used to be, Anakin Skywalker. So Anakin wins.

Who wold win Darth Vader or Anakin Skywalker if possible it was possible for them to fight?

In my opinion, it would probably be Anakin Skywalker because Vader has mechanical limbs and it slows his movement down a bit.

Does cade skywalker fight Darth Vader?

no cade came hundreds of years after darth vader dies

Who cut off the arm of Darth Vader during a fight?

Luke Skywalker

Who has Yoda fought and defeated?

Anakin Skywalker has fought Count Dooku (Lord Tyranus) he has fought Obi-wan Kenobi and he has fought Darth Vader (Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker when he is evil, so he has technically defeated his inner demons), those are the battles that he has one. When he is Darth Vader he has fought Luke Skywalker (his son) but he lost.

Did Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker fight in between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back?


If it was possile for them to fight who would win Darth Vader or anakin?

Anakin, obviously, is more agile and athletic because he has all his body parts. Also, Darth Vader, since he has less organic limbs, has less midi-chlorians and less powerful Force-use. So Anakin would be my choice.

Can Luke Skywalker fight Anakin Skywalker?

depends what episode.

Did luke turn in to dark Vader?

It could be argued both ways. But directly he did not. He convinced his father to come back to the good side. When he did Darth Vader killed the emperer. That caused Darth Vader to die because it was only through the emperer's power that he was being kept alive. He was injuring by lava in his fight against obi whan. So when he killed the emperer Darth Vader died. So technically nobody killed Darth Vader he just died. However it also could be argued Luke is to blame. If he had not convinced Darth Vader to come back to the light side of the force he would not have died.

Who would win in a fight between the bora queen and Darth Vader?

Darth Vader

Who would win a fight master chief or anakin skywalker?

anakin skywalker Anakin is a whiny bitch, Chief wins hands down. anakin is a jedi case closed

When you kill Darth Vader do you beat the game?

Well, You enter a room after versing Darth Vader for time. It depends on who you want to fight Darth Vader or the emperor