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Q: Who would win the fight crocodile or alligator not a nile alligator?
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Who would win in a fight a nile crocodile or a American alligator?

Nile Crocodile, because more deadly and 200 attacks per year.

What would win in a fight an American alligator or Nile crocodile?

Since most crocs are larger and more aggressive, I would go with the crocodile.

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nile crocodile who would win

Are there alligators in Kenya?

The Nile crocodile has several subspecies. One, the Kenyan Nile crocodile, is also known as the Kenya alligator. However it is not a true alligator, but a crocodile.

Is an American alligator stronger than a nile crocodile?


If an alligator and a lion get into a fight who will win?

It all depends on the variables: is the lion old or young, is the crocodile fed or not, the terrain matters too.

Who will win in a battle an American alligator or the the nile crocodile?

The nile crocodile. It is larger, better armed, more aggressive, stronger, and has a more powerful jaw.

Who would win in a fight between a nile river crocodile and a polar bear?

A polar bear would win the fight on land if it clawed the crocodile's head and flipped its body to claw its stomach. In water, the crocodile would definitely win the fight.

Who would win between an alligator and crocidile?

The Crocodile would most likely win due to the fact that crocodiles are generally more aggressive and on average they are larger then alligators so they have a size advantage

What are the 23 different species of crocodiles?

American Alligator,Black Caiman,Saltwater Crocodile,Spectacled Caiman,Broad-Snouted Crocodile,Jacre' Caiman,Chinese Alligator,Australian Freshwater Crocodile,Schneider's Dwarf Caiman,American Crocodile,Slender-Snouted Crocodile,Orinoco Crocodile,Philippine Crocodile,Johnson's Crocodile,Morelet's Crocodile,Nile Crocodile,New Guinea Crocodile,Mugger(marsh)Crocodile,Cuban Crocodile,Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman,Siamese Crocodile,African Dwarf Crocodile,False Gharial Crocodile(gavial),Indian Gharial(gavial).

What is heavier a crocodile or an alligator?

Several Crocodile species grow larger than alligators, examples, American, Nile, and saltwater. Well in true fact I don't really know, but hey that gives you something to look up.

When was Nile crocodile created?

Nile crocodile was created in 1768.