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Q: Who would you seek input from within and outside of the company to assist in the development and refinement of new ideas and approaches?
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Explain advantage and disadvantage of community development approaches10points?

Community development is an approach that seeks to empower individuals and groups within a community to take charge of their own development and improve their living conditions. While there are many advantages to this approach, there are also some potential disadvantages. Here are 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of community development approaches: Advantages: Empowerment: Community development approaches can help to empower individuals and groups within a community to take control of their own lives and improve their circumstances. This can lead to a greater sense of agency, self-confidence, and pride in their community. Sustainability: Community development approaches aim to build long-term solutions that are sustainable and can be maintained by the community over time. This can help to create lasting change and reduce dependence on outside support. Participation: Community development approaches promote active participation and engagement from community members, which can lead to greater ownership and investment in the development process. Tailored solutions: Community development approaches are often tailored to the specific needs and priorities of the community, which can lead to more effective solutions that are more likely to be accepted and adopted by the community. Collaboration: Community development approaches often involve collaboration between community members, local organizations, and government agencies. This can help to build partnerships and networks that can support ongoing development and growth. Disadvantages: Time-consuming: Community development approaches can be time-consuming and require significant resources to engage community members and build consensus around development priorities and solutions. Limited resources: Community development approaches are often limited by the resources available within the community, which can limit the scope and impact of the development initiatives. Conflicting interests: Community development approaches can sometimes lead to conflicting interests and disagreements among community members, which can hinder progress and lead to division within the community. Dependence on external support: Community development approaches can sometimes depend on external support, such as funding or technical expertise, which can limit the community's ability to sustain development initiatives over the long-term. Lack of expertise: Community development approaches may require specialized skills and knowledge, such as project management or community organizing, which may not be readily available within the community. Become part of my inner circle and join Project Serenity. You'll immediately get access to my latest investment You can click or copy the link below with no space in between and be on your way to earning six to seven figures. h t t p s : / / w w w . d i g i s t o r e 2 4 . c o m / r e d i r / 3 0 7 3 4 8 / G r a t e f u l o r a n g e /

What is the definition of outside sales?

The definition of outside sales is the salesperson going outside the company to recruit clients and provide customer service. They develop a pipeline from outside the company.

What is external development?

offspring development outside of the body (any thing that lay eggs)

What is rural development?

Rural development is the development of rural (outside cities) regions of a country, state or province.

How does supply and demand affect recruitment?

The availability of manpower both within and outside the organization is an important determinant in the recruitment process. If the company has a demand for more professionals and there is limited supply in themarket for the professionals demanded by the company, then the company will have to depend upon internal sources by providing them special training and development programs.

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What is Sundry Revenue?

Sundry revenue refers to a company's outside income. This income is uncontrollable by the company due to coming from something outside the company's scope or another unpredictable source.

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The box refers to the conventional approach to a problem. Therefore, thinking outside the box means that one approaches an issue or problem using unconventional and/or creative thinking.