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Many stage directions in published plays come from the original production rather than the playwright.

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Q: Who wrote the stage directions in the crucible?
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Who says this quote in the crucible the final drum roll crashes then heightens violently?

those were stage directions .

What colour is the carpet at The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The stage directions do not specify a carpet, much less its color.

How does john hale enter for the first time?

John Hale enter the stage for the first time carrying heavy books. This is according to the stage directions for the play The Crucible.

Who wrote The Crucible?

Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible.

Lines 700-766 describe the mood of this scene based on the stage directions in the crucible?

Lines 700-766 in "The Crucible" describe a tense and chaotic mood as the characters are in a state of hysteria. The stage directions may indicate characters moving frantically, shouting, and reacting with fear and paranoia. The setting is likely filled with a sense of urgency and unease, mirroring the escalating conflict and emotions of the scene.

Do stage directions include sleeping?

no stage directions are the directions or places on stage to stand or cross to.

Which American author wrote both The Crucible and Death of a Salesman?

Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible and Death of a Salesman.

What was the name of the play he wrote that was an allegory about mccarthyism?

The Crucible

Who made the crucible?

Playwright Arthur Miller wrote it.

In The Crucible Act II what do the stage directions with a smile to keep her dignity reveal about Elizabeth's character?

It shows she thinks it is undignified to show anger, and that she does not like to provoke conflict. She is a very calm and gentle character, but knows that the question (that follows the stage direction) must be asked.

How can a reader recognize stage directions in a script?

Often stage directions are either italicized or in parentheses

What do well-crafted stage directions add to a play?

Stage directions speak for the playwright when they are absent. Well-crafted stage directions create the atmosphere and environment that the playwright intended. Stage directions dictate the actors position on stage, their mannerisms, and body language. It sets the tone and tempo of the play.