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Q: Whom did Europeans enslave as workers in the Southeast?
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Who are early europeans?

The First Europeans. The first Europeans to arrive in North America -- at least the first for whom there is solid evidence -- were Norse, traveling west from Greenland, where Erik the Red had founded a settlement around the year 985.

The middlemen whom the Europeans hoped to eliminate by finding a direct route to India and the East Indies were the?

the arabs

How many people worked in computer manufacturing in 2000?

As of 2000, computer manufacturing employed 73,730 U.S. workers, about 34 percent of whom were production workers.

When the trade union movement began in Britain the strike was an illegal action taken against whom?

Factory owners by union workers

What commercial practice did europeana adopt from the Muslim merchants with whom they traded?

One commercial practice Europeans adopted from the Muslim merchants with whom they traded was the constructing of ships made to withstand long voyages.

What is the size of the headwear industry?

All together there were some 17,000 people employed in this industry (14,000 of whom were production workers).

Who are European?

The First Europeans. The first Europeans to arrive in North America -- at least the first for whom there is solid evidence -- were Norse, traveling west from Greenland, where Erik the Red had founded a settlement around the year 985.

Why historians describe the contact between Europeans and Native Americans as a Columbian Exchange?

Because the era started with the first voyage of Columbus after whom it is named.

What is made up of the people with whom one regularly associates including friends classmates neighbors and co-workers?

Peer groups

How many people worked in the mattress manufacturing industry in 2000?

In 2000 the industry employed an average of 26,332 people, of whom 20,570 were production workers.