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Q: Whom did sharecropping most often harm?
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Who most benefited from the sharecropping system in Georgia?

Land Owners.

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Where were Sharecropping was a system of farming most common in?

southern states after the civil war

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Most forms of torture require intense bodily harm and often result in health problems.

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Ghosts are often found in historical places or at some families house that has done harm to somebody or something.

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Sharecropping, in which a wealthy landowner rents land to farmers in exchange for a share of their crops

Can chickens and roosters get frost bite?

Yes they can and do. Most often you will see it on the comb and it generally causes no significant harm to the bird, but it can make a mess when it thaws out.

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Most people do not.

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What was the most harm done by colonialism

Would a dolphin harm you?

Most likely no. If it sees you as a threat and you provoke, it may harm you.

Is the word whom an object pronoun?

Yes it is. The pronoun 'whom' most often functions as an object of a preposition.The pronoun 'whom' is an interrogative pronoun and a relative pronoun.An interrogative pronoun introduces a question.Example: To whom do I give my completed application. (object of the preposition 'to')A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause, a group of words with a subject and a verb that gives information about its antecedent.Example: The person to whom you give your application is the manager. (object of the preposition 'to')

What does whom mean?

The pronoun 'whom' is the objective form of the pronoun 'who'.The word 'whom' (and 'who') is an interrogative pronounand a relative pronoun.The pronoun 'whom' is most often used as the object of a preposition.Examples:With whom did you stay? (interrogative, object of the preposition 'with')The person for whom I ordered the flowers is my mother. (relative pronoun, object of the preposition 'for')Who was on the phone? (interrogative, subject of the sentence)My son Thomas, who you met last year, is staying for the weekend. (relative pronoun, subject of the relative clause)