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The president in 1840 was Martin Van Buren and the VP was Richard M. Johnson from Kentucky.

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Q: Whom was the president and vice president in 1840?
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Who was the vice president in 1840?

Richard M. Johnson was the Vice President under President Martin Van Buren from 1837-1841.

Who was elected vice president in 1840?

John Tyler was the vice-president elected in 1840, The slogan Tippecanoe and Tyler too became famous. "Tippecanoe" was Harrison who died after a month in office so Tyler became president.

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no. the vice president is chosen by the presedential nominee, whom you vote for.

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no..the presidential candidate decides whom he will appoint to run as vice president with him

When was john tyler vice president?

Tyler was elected vice-president in 1840 and took office on March 4, 1841. He was vice-president only until April 6, 1841 when he became president due to the death President William Henry Harrison.

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