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Q: Whose production in inadequate amounts results in diabetes mellitus?
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Meaning of diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus is an inadequate secretion of insulin, causing blood sugar levels to rise. Excess glucose remains in the nephron creating an osmotic pressure that opposes the norm. Therefore water also remains in the nephron and is not absorbed. -Patients of diabetes mellitus ofen suffer from large amounts of urine and are often thirsty.

What are the causes of diabetes miletus?

Diabetes mellitus is an inadequate secretion of insulin, causing blood sugar levels to rise. Excess glucose remains in the nephron creating an osmotic pressure that opposes the norm. Therefore water also remains in the nephron and is not absorbed. -Patients of diabetes mellitus often suffer from large amounts of urine and are often thirsty.

What is the hormone whose production in inadequate amounts results in miscarriage?


What is diabetes insipidus?

Diabetes insipidus is a disorder where urine cannot be concentrated as usual, because of a lack of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). ADH is responsible for inserting water channels into the collecting duct (in the kidney), which allows water to be reabsorbed. This disorder results in dehydration, excessive thirst and excessive amounts of urine. It is unrelated to diabetes (diabetes mellitus) except that the symptoms are similar.

What hormone whose production in inadequate amounts of myxedema?

The hormone whose production is inadequate in myxedema is thyroid hormone, specifically thyroxine (T4). Myxedema is a severe form of hypothyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This leads to a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, and dry skin.

What is a disorder of the metabolism that causes excess thirst and the production of large amounts of thirst?

Could be low blood sugar or diabetes

Why is there increase in urination in diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus is an inadequate secretion of insulin, causing blood sugar levels to rise. Excess glucose remains in the nephron creating an osmotic pressure that opposes the norm. Therefore water also remains in the nephron and is not absorbed. -Patients of diabetes mellitus ofen suffer from large amounts of urine and are often thirsty.

What hormone is produced in inadequate amounts for sexual immaturity?


What does ketones in the urine mean?

it means you either have diabetes , or you are suffering dehydration.Ketones are formed when the body breaks down fat, so when you are starving and have not eaten enough your body starts breaking down the fat from the cells that is already stored and that is why ketones appear, they are a byproduct of this fat breaking.Ketones can also appear from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and rarely after drinking copious and significant amounts of alcohol.The presence of abnormally high numbers of ketones in the urine (ketonuria) usually results from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Ketonuria can also be caused by prolonged diarrhea or vomiting that results in starvation.

What does diabete means?

From history Diabetes recieved its name from a Greek physician, Aretaeus of Cappadocia, after the word dia-bainein which means "to siphon". This was related to the patients passing excessive amounts of urine.

What is the name of the condition in which the body is not producing adequate amounts of insulin?

Low blood sugar!

What hormone is produced in inadequate amounts for cretinism?

Thyroid hormone.