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Q: Why 7.8 pH level is best to work enzyme activity?
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What are two features of a denatured enzyme?

There are two significant features of a denatured enzyme: 1) the enzyme does not have biological activity, either by the irreversible binding of an inhibitor or 2) the missing of it's tertiary structure, losing the proper "shape" for its biological functionality.

What is the 4 step process of an enzyme at work?

The 4 step process of an enzyme at work is:speedreactionfunctionalter

Enzymes are usually inactivated at what temperature?

The optimal range for the enzymatic activity goes from 25oC to 32oC.

How can enzyme activity be regulated?

Enzymes are catalytic molecules that speed up the rates of reactions.(a) Explain why enzymes are necessary in biological systems.(b) Discuss three control mechanisms that regulate enzymatic activity.A) Enzymes decrease the amount of activation energy required for chemical reactions to occur.B) 1. Cofactors and Coenzymes- Inorganic ions and non protein organic molecules that are necessary to be present on the active site for some enzymes to work. These cofactors participate in the reaction and may even accept or contribute atoms to the reactions.2. Competitive and Noncompetitive inhibition- Limits the enzyme activity. This occurs when a molecule binds to an enzyme, either on the active site or allosteric site, and decreases its activity.3. Allosteric Regulation- Causes a different shape in the enzyme. May either inhibit or stimulate an enzymes activity.

What happens to enzymes when they are exposed to acids and bases?

It depends on the enzyme. Some enzymes work most efficiently in acidic solutions whereas others work best in basic solutions. E.g. Enzymes in the stomach work best at a pH level of 2 or very acidic. If they are not put in the right pH then the enzymes may not work properly/efficiently or they may denature (deactivate irreversibly)

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What is the effect of pH upon the relative enzyme activity?

Different enzymes work best at different pH. This is refered to as the ideal pH for the enzyme. For example, the digestive enzyme trypsin works best at an acidic pH while alkaline phosphatase works best at a basic pH. Therefore, enzyme activity varies with pH and this variation depends on the enzyme being studied

What does the refrigeation of food do with the way enzyme work?

Too cold for enzyme activity.

What can change the way an enzyme acts?

Enzyme activity is affected by other molecules, temperature, chemical environment (e.g., pH), and the concentration of substrate and enzyme. Activators are molecules that encourage enzyme activity, and inhibitors are enzymes that decrease enzyme activity. Sometimes a cofactor is necessary for the enzyme to work.

What factors affect the activity of enzymes?

Enzymes work best in the pH and temperature that they are " designed " for. A pepsin enzyme works best in the low pH environment of the stomach, while amylase works best at mouth temperature and ~ 7 pH. Heat and out of range pH can denature enzymes and not only affect their activity but inactivate them.

Will enzyme activity be higher or lower if the pH is high?

Yes it does. Enzymes increase rate of reaction as the pH level increases but enzymes work best at optimum pH. If pH level still increase, then enzyme will become denatured and rate of reaction once again decreases.

Why is enzyme activities for example ALP activities are measured in Unit per liter?

The unit for measuring enzyme activity is typically International Unit (IU) per liter (L). This is for two reasons. First, the relative level of enzyme activity in a blood sample is very low, so to get a number people can work with easily you need a large volume. Second, enzyme activity is measured in IUs because this is the standard scientific unit.

Some medicines work by blocking enzyme activity in pathogens These medicines are effective because they?

have a shape that fits into the enzyme

Is temperature a factor that affects enzyme activity?

yes. at low temperature enzymes won't work as effectively, and at high temperature enzymes are denatured.

What are some factors that may influence enzyme activity?

Factors affecting enzyme activity1: Enzyme concentrationIf the quantity of enzyme is doubled, the enzymatic activity will also be doubled because more enzymes are now available to work. After a certain level of enzyme concentration, there will be no more increase in the enzymatic activity because all the substrate molecules are combined with an enzyme and the rate of reaction will stabilize.2: Substrate concentrationBy increasing substrate concentration, enzymatic activity increases. Increasing the substrate further without increasing the enzyme concentration will not affect the enzymatic activity because all the enzymes are occupied by a substrate molecule.3: pH valueSome enzymes require acidic surroundings, most require a more neutral condition for their activity. Change in the pH can change the enzyme's structure and enzyme become useless.4: TemperatureAn increase in temperature of 10 degree celsius doubles the enzymatic activity. Each enzyme has its own optimum temperature at which its enzymatic activity is maximum. Very high temperatures break the bonds that maintain shape of enzyme. If the enzyme denatures, the substrate can not fit in to the active sites and enzyme become useless.

What are the effects temperature and pH level have in the efficacy of digestive enzymes?

As you increase the temperature at first the activity of an enzymes will also increase, so the reaction will go faster. At a certain temperature, called the optimum temperature, the enzyme will work at its maximum rate. Above the optimum temperature the enzyme activity decreases. This is due to the loss of shape by the enzyme molecules, a process called denaturation. In mammals, most enzyme shave an optimum temperature of about 37 oC. Roughly speaking, the rate of an enzyme reaction doubles for each 10 oC rise in temperature, until the optimum temperature is reached. pH affects enzymes in a similar way. At a low pH many enzymes have a low activity. As the pH increases the enzyme activity increases until the optimum pH at which the enzyme has maximum activity. Above this pH enzyme activity decreases. These effects are also dueto denaturation of the enzyme molecules at extreme pH values. Many enzymes work best at around pH 7.0. An important exception is pepsin, a protein-digesting (protease) enzyme in the stomach. This works at low pH values such as those found in the stomach (around pH 2.0), due to the presence of hydrochloric acid.

Does enzyme work?

The enzymes can only work under certain conditions. The temperature and the pH level will denature the enzyme and make it not work.

Did heating have any effect on the activity of amylase?

beta amylase work well at 63-65ºC and alpha amylase work well at 71-73ºC above activity drops and enzyme denaturated.