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They will be there but they just have not descended. Please take him to a family doctor to check this out to be on the safe side.

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Q: Why A boy of 3 years has no testicles in the scrotum?
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What are the symptoms of 3 testicles?

You actually feel them in your Scrotum.

Botox to the scrotum?

Due to constant tangalation of the testicles followed by surgery which failed, my consultant urologist had asked if he could try using Botox into the scrotum to stop muscles contracting, pulling my testicles upwards into my groin. I`ve had approximately 60 injections over two occassions which seriously hurt, both occassions were under general anesetic. I can say that it reduces the amount of episodes but it only lasts 2-3 months. The next is experimental surgery which could involve removing the nerve endings from the scrotum. Good Luck

What is the condition of improperly descended testicles?

Cryptochidism- failure of testes to descend from the abdomen (develop there) to scrotum. 1. surgery or hormones to correct 2. sterility is not fixed 3. testes atrophy, potential site of cancer

What does it mean if you have liked the same boy for 3 years?

It could mean that you have developed strong feelings for this individual over time and may have a deep emotional connection with them. It's important to consider how this person makes you feel and whether it's a mutual interest before deciding how to proceed with these feelings.

What is the reason for the sagging of the testes?

The human scrotum sag due to several factors. I personally know the human scrotum sag when 1. the body is reacting to too much thinking or mental work loads having to do with one's set goals and or agenda; 2. it can sag also when one has a warmer than usual body temperature; 3. when one has been in sitting position for long while; 4. when one has been too busy to mind the metabolism of own body that is, when one consciously close the mind to hunger, thirst and others, one's body begins to distend so as to be able to cope with the pressure that is thereby created and exerted on the human body; 5. after a long walk or toil when the body cools itself through the secretion of sweat; 6. after a physical exercise or a visit to the gym.

What is main male anatomy?

1: The testicles, which hang in a sac, called the scrotum, between the legs. 2: The penis, used for urination and reproduction. 3: Higher amount of muscle mass than females. 4: Enlarged larynx, aka Adam's Apple resulting in a deeper voice.

What are the three leading causes of death in young people?

1. Inter-sexual menstrual cramps 2. Premature ejaculation, in some circumstances can cause hemorrhaging of the scrotum and surrounding tissue and in rare cases the testicles themselves may erupt or, using a broader term, explode. 3. The Rancor

Who was the boy that ned kelly saved?

No one knows the name of the boy but he was 7 years old,The boy had 8 brothers and 3 sisters.

Why is a boy whos 3 years older than me stare?

A boy who is 3 years older than you may stare because he thinks you are interesting, or because he wants to be your friend and doesn't know how to approach you.

Why isn't there a scrotum on a new pug was told he is not fixed?

It is because they haven't "dropped" yet. The testicles are still up inside it's body. They could be that way up to 4 to 5 weeks, but they usually "drop" around 2 to 3 weeks. If the dog is older than this, it is probably time to take it to the vet.

Undescended testicle?

DefinitionUndescended testicle occurs when one or both testicles fail to move into the scrotum before birth.Alternative NamesCryptorchidism; Empty scrotum - undescended testes; Scrotum - empty (undescended testes); Monorchism; Vanished testes - undescended; Retractile testesCauses, incidence, and risk factorsUndescended testicles are fairly common in premature infants. They occur in about 3 - 4% of full-term infants. In most cases the testicles descend by the time the child is 9 months old.Once a testicle has been discovered in the scrotum, it is generally considered descended even if it is temporarily pulled back (retracted) on a later examination.Sometimes a condition called retractile testes will develop. In this condition, the health care provider can sometimes locate the testicles and sometimes not.This occurs because of the strength of the muscle reflex (cremasteric reflex) that retracts the testicles and the small size of the testicles before puberty. In this instance, the testicles descend at puberty. This is considered a type of normal. Surgical correction is not needed.Testicles that do not descend by the time the child is 1 year old should be carefully evaluated. Studies suggest that surgery should be done by this age to confirm the diagnosis and to reduce the chances of permanent damage to the testicles.Testicles that do not naturally descend into the scrotum are considered abnormal. These undescended testicles have an increased likelihood of developing cancer, regardless of whether or not they are brought down into the scrotum.Bringing the testicle into the scrotum maximizes sperm production and increases the odds of good fertility. It also allows examination for early detection of testicular cancer.In other cases, such as vanished testis, no testicle may be found, even during a surgical procedure. This may be due to a problem that occurs while the baby was still developing in the mother. It may be present at birth (congenital).SymptomsThere are usually no symptoms, except that the testicle cannot be found in the scrotum (this may be described as an empty scrotum). Adult males with an undescended testicle may have problems with infertility.Signs and testsAn examination confirms that one or both of the testicles are not in the scrotum.The health care provider may or may not be able to feel the undescended testicle in the abdominal wall above the scrotum.TreatmentUsually the testicle will descend into the scrotum without any intervention during the first year of life. If this does not occur, the child may receive hormone injections (B-HCG or testosterone) to try to bring the testicle into the scrotum.Surgery (orchiopexy) is the main treatment. Earlier surgery may prevent irreversible damage to the testicles. This damage can cause infertility.Expectations (prognosis)Most cases get better on their own, without any treatment. Medical or surgical correction of the condition is usually successful.About 5% of patients with undescended testicles do not have testicles that can be found at the time of surgery. This is called a vanished or absent testis.ComplicationsIf one or both testicles do not descend, a man may be infertile later in life. Men who have an undescended testicle at birth are at higher risk of developing testicular cancer in both testes. Surgery to correct the problem may result in damage to the testicle.Calling your health care providerCall your child's health care provider if he appears to have an undescended testicle.Call your provider if you are a male, 15 years or older and you are unsure how to perform testicular self-examination(TSE) to screen for testicular cancer.ReferencesSchneck FX, Bellinger MF. Abnormalities of the testes and scrotum and their surgical management. In: Wein AJ, ed. Campbell-Walsh Urology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 127.Elder JS. Disorders and anomalies of the scrotal contents. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 545.

What is the average height of 3 years old boy?

30 billion ft