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As we age our bodies change and because of that medications need to be changed.

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Q: Why After years of being on the same thyroid replacement therapy wht would my thyroid change?
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Orexin replacement therapy research is still in its early phases. Scientists are testing it on dogs with narcolepsy.

What research is being conducted to treat Fabry's disease?

Enzyme replacement therapy to treat Fabry's disease is currently being explored.

In the hormone replacement therapy experiment what was the effect of removing the ovaries from the animals?

It decreased the amount of estrogen being produced.

What connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland?

The two lobes of the Thyroid gland being the thyroid and the parathyroid are connected by an isthmus.

Where in TX-US you can get Leech therapy?

Why would you want a therapy that doesn't work, and is more harmful then helpful?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? Excuse me, but leech therapy DOES work. I had it for arthritis in my back and knee in Europe. The pain was immediately reduced. I would certainly rather have this therapy than knee replacement surgery which was what was being recommended. I had absolutely no side effects to the leech therapy and even though it sounds awful, it is really only mildly uncomfortable.

Can you live with half a thyroid?

Yes, people can live without half of their thyroid. However, most people living with half of their thyroid need to take prescribed daily thyroid medication, as directed by a physician. Thyroid medication helps to replace thyroid hormones that aren't being produced by a fully functioning thyroid gland.

Why did Bruce Jenner change from a man to a woman?

Yes. In June 2015, Jenner (then 65 years old) changed his self-identification from male to female, now being known as Caitlyn Jenner. However, this included cosmetic surgery and possibly hormone replacement therapy, not actual sex reassignment surgery.

What are some possible things that could make your period late without being pregnant?

Emotional stress, Certain medications such as contraceptives (oral, implanted, and injected), oral corticosteriods, antidepressants, antipsychotics, thyroid, and some chemotherapy drugs may cause amenorrhea for some women You could have a hormonal imbalance eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Thyroid Disease How absence of menstruation is treated depends on the cause. The treatment can be as simple as lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, stress reduction, or can include hormone replacement therapy, as well as other medications when appropriate.

Why does fatique occur during menopause?

Fatigue occurs during menopause due to the lack of estrogen and progestin being produced. Hormone replacement therapy, as well as natural remedies can help this symptom.

Which of these disorders is when the thyroid is overactive which leads to increased metabolism?

The condition that is associated with the thyroid gland being overactive, which then leads to an increased metabolism, is known as hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormones.

Is pituitary gland related to hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland is involved in hypothyroidism. Not enough thyroid hormone is being produced. The pituitary gland prduces thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and so is related to hypothyroidism.

Is being cold one of the symptoms of thyroid?

Since the thyroid gland helps regulate metabolism, feeling cold can indicate that the thyroid in under active, called hypothyroid. One of the important nutrients for the thyroid is iodine, so eating seafood or using salt that has iodine added is good for the health of they thyroid gland.