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young actively growing shoots contain high concentrations of nitrogen, this is what most plant feeding insects are after. as a bonus the active growth is normally very soft and easy for insects to attack (or eat)

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Q: Why Aphids feed mostly on young shoots?
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When they are young they will mostly feed on aphids. As they get older they will feed on larger bugs such as beetles, crickets, flies, some caterpillars, and moths to name a few. Save

If you had a ladybug what should you feed it?

plants and aphids.

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Ladybirds feeds on aphids.

What is the ladybugs diet?

Aphids and other soft bodied insects. Yeah, Aphids, if you are taking care of one feed it soaked raisins.

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Aphids can be found in any warm or hot desert which has plants upon which they feed.

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. This is referred to as a symbiotic relationship.

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Most ladybugs are predators and they normally feed on aphids.