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Q: Why British were interested in some of the Asian countries?
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No they were used by the British army to some extent until India and other Asian countries got their independence from British rule.

Some south asian countries face problems with their neighbors because?

Most Asian countries are having problems with territorial boundaries.

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online, Asian market, some Asian countries, international groceries, etc.

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Fishing, agriculture and mining are the economic activities of most of the south east Asian countries. Agriculture, mining and fishing are some of the economic activities of each southeast Asian countries.

What is the crane a symbol of in some asian countries?

rice and chopsticks

What are some of the Asia countries?

some asian countries are: 1. Japan 2.China 3. Iraq 4. Yemen

Does white girls like Asian guys?

YesyesYes. They can. Some Asian guys also are interested into Whites, Blacks, Hispanic you name it. It just happens. :)

Who rules some Asian countries?

i dont know hi bob

What are some Asian countries with a command economy?

North Korea is one

Which Asian country is an island?

there are a few countries part of asia that are islands. some are: the philippines, sri lanka, and japan, other islands are parts of other asian countries.

Which countries have not fought the British?

There were twenty-two countries that never fought the British. Some of the names of the countries that did not fight the British are Honduras, Iran, Iraq, and Ireland.

Is polygamy's legal in any state?

Not in the United States, but it is legal in most Islamic countries and some Asian countries.