

Why Carlson shoot Candy's dog?

Updated: 12/9/2021
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Because they convinced him that the dog is too old and is pain and needs to be put out of his misery.

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Q: Why Carlson shoot Candy's dog?
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Does slim agree with carlson to shoot candys dog?

Yes, Slim agrees with Carlson that Candy's old and suffering dog should be put out of its misery. Slim recognizes that the dog is suffering and can no longer live a comfortable life, so he supports the decision to shoot the dog to end its suffering.

Who makes the final decision on whether or not Candys old dog should be shot in of mice and men?

Carlson makes the final decision to shoot Candy's old dog in "Of Mice and Men." He argues that the dog is suffering and that it would be more merciful to put it out of its misery. Candy eventually agrees to let Carlson shoot the dog.

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Slim asks Carlson to take a shovel with him when he goes to shoot Candy's dog because he was being careful and understanding towards Candy's dog's death. He reminds Carlson to take a shovel to hint to Candy that 'It's alright, He's going to get a proper burial' and was intended to make Candy feel better.

Why does Carlson want to shoot Candys dog?

Because he thinks that the dog smells and creates a bad smell in the bunkhouse, he also thinks it will be for the dogs own good because he is old and can hardly walk.Clarkson wanted to shoot Candy's dog because the dog is too old and could barley walk or eat and it smells

What does Carlson take with him when goes to shoot Candy's dog?

Carlson takes his Luger pistol with him when he goes to shoot Candy's dog.

What are carlsons reasons for shooting the dog verses candys reasons for wanting to shoot the dog?

Carlson wants to shoot the dog because he views it as old, suffering, and no longer useful. He believes it would be more humane to put the dog out of its misery. Candy, on the other hand, feels a bond with the dog and is attached to it despite its condition. He wants to shoot the dog himself as a final act of kindness and loyalty.

Why does carlson want to shoot candy's old dog?

Calson wants to shoot Candy's old dog is because Carlson doesn't like the stench of Candy's dog.

What is carlson' s solution to the problem of the dog of mice and men?

Carlson's solution to the problem of Candy's old dog in "Of Mice and Men" is to shoot the dog to put it out of its misery. He believes that the dog is suffering and that it's the most humane thing to do. Candy eventually agrees to let Carlson shoot his dog.

What page does carlson shoot candy's dog?

page 49

Why does Carlson suggest killing candys old dog and what does this suggest about him?

Carlson suggests killing Candy's old dog because he believes it is suffering and no longer serves a useful purpose. This suggests that he values practicality and efficiency over sentimentality or compassion for others. It also reveals a lack of empathy and understanding towards Candy's attachment to his dog.

Why does Candy let Carlson shoot his dog?

Because everyone in the room wanted to get rid of the dog.

Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candys dog?

Carlson insists on shooting Candy's dog because he believes the dog is old, suffering, and no longer useful. He sees it as an act of mercy to put the dog out of its misery, and he doesn't understand Candy's emotional attachment to his companion.