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Christopher Columbus,born circa 30 October 1451, was determined to pioneer a western sea route to China, India, and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia. On 3 August 1492 Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, with three small ships, the Santa Marýa, the Pinta, and the Niña. During his journeys, Columbus explored the West Indies, South America, and Central America. Columbus returned to Spain laden with gold and new discoveries from his travels, including the previously unknown tobacco plant and the pineapple fruit. The success of his first expedition prompted his commissioning for a second voyage to the New World, and he set out from Cýdiz in September 1493. He explored Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and various smaller Caribbean islands, and further ensuing explorations yielded discoveries such as Venezuela. Through all this, Columbus believed that he was travelling to parts of Asia. He believed Hispaniola was Japan, and that the peaks of Cuba were the Himalayas of India.

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Q: Why Columbus made voyages to the new world?
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Who made four voyages to the new world?

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Why did Columbus made his voyages to the new world?

Christopher Columbus made his voyages to the New World because he was searching for a new trade route to Asia. He believed that by sailing westward across the Atlantic, he could reach Asia and establish trade connections. However, he mistakenly landed in the Caribbean islands, which eventually led to the European colonization of the Americas.

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he made three voyages he found the "new world" or what we call the Americas today. Not that he made three voyages.