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so that we can learn and see the culture of the filipino's

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Q: Why Do you Need To Study Philippine Folk Arts?
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Why do you have study Philippine folk dances?

We need to study Philippine folk dances because it is a part of our culture.

Why do you need to study Philippine folk ethics?

OBAMA 08 aimt nothing on my butter ya heard me hoe

Do you need to study folk dances?


Why do you need to study the history of Philippine drama?

To know the act perfectly

Why do you need study folk literature?

to know our culture and tradtional things

Do you need to study culinary arts?

If you want to be a professional cook or chef, you do. You'll need the certificate or degree in order to get a good job. You can also study culinary arts if you enjoy cooking and just want to learn new techniques!

Why is it important to study Philippine narrative?

Studying Philippine narrative helps to understand the country's rich cultural heritage, history, and societal issues. It provides insights into the Filipino identity, values, and perspectives expressed through literature and storytelling. Additionally, it promotes cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of diverse narratives from a global perspective.

Why do kids need to study the arts?

A well rounded education is necessary for a fully functioning society.

What fields of study do you need for graphic arts?

You will usually need a t Bachelor's or Associates degree. Computer graphics and art courses will be necessary as well. Visual arts may be helpful as well.

What subject do you need to take to become a martial arts master?

You need to pick a martial art and study it for many years. A true master will study for 30 to 40 years before being considered a master.

Why do you need to ensure the survival of the Philippine eagle?

Because the Philippine eagle is the Philippine national bird.

Do you need to study English in college?

It depends on your major and career goals. If your field requires strong language skills or you plan to work in an English-speaking environment, studying English in college can be beneficial. Otherwise, it may not be necessary.