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A pregnant lady has a big stomach because as her baby grows, it takes up room in her uterus. It grows also larger if it is more than one baby. -IQ

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Q: Why Does A Pregnant Women Have A Big Stomach?
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Is Miley Cyrus stomach big?

It depends on the person who thinks her stomach to be big or small. if you are asking if she is pregnant, nopes

What physical changes did you notice when you were pregnant?

big stomach.

How do you Tell if my Dalamation Molly is pregnant?

if her stomach is big

How big will one's stomach grow when 9 weeks pregnant?

Every pregnancy is different. Therefore, the size of a womens' belly while pregnant differs, by pregnancy and by women. Around nine weeks, some women might start showing.

What are the symptoms visible when one is 38 weeks pregnant?

For almost any pregnant woman the most visible symptom on the 38th week of pregnancy is the grown stomach. By the 38th week of pregnancy most women have quite a big stomach which also can be seen on the way the walk.

Why does your stomach get big when your pregnant?

It gets big so the baby inside can get bigger and stronger.

Can you tell your stomach has gotten bigger at 1 month pregnant?

Women don't start showing so early on because at that stage in pregnancy, the baby is not big enough.

Can a pregnant women her lip pierced?

yeah, her face doesn't affect her stomach.

What is the very common symptoms of a pregnant women?

Stomach cramps and a lot of pain

A hard firm pregnant stomach is a perfect curve?

Yes pregnant women are beautiful and glowing with this perfect curve.

Is there a brand of girdles for pregnant women, and is it safe to wear one when pregnant?

Gridles are not safe for pregnant women you do not want to apply any kind of pressure onto your stomach as it could harm your baby.

What kind of symptoms do pregnant women with listeriosis get?

Pregnant women experience a mild, flu-like illness with fever, muscle aches, upset stomach, and intestinal problems.