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Q: Why Does Gluten Become Stretchy When Kneading?
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What is ''Kneading of dough''?

Kneeding bread is the process of folding a corner of bread dough into itself, turning a quarter turn, then folding again. The point is to stretch the gluten and to create a smooth surface.

Is the purpose of dough kneading to incorporate air into the dough or to develop the gluten?

To develop the gluten.

How do you activate gluten?

by kneading the dough firmly for a long time. do not rip or tear it just streatching and kneading

3 What protein is developed in flour during kneading?


Why is bread stretchy?

Bread and bread dough are stretchy because they are made with flour containing gluten, a protein molecule that forms networks in bread dough. Gluten is "worked up" in bread dough through the kneading process.

What is the gluten in flour?

Gluten is a protein found in flour. Gluten is "worked up" by kneading bread dough and provides the chewy texture desired in bread.

Which flour has more gluten than cake flour?

Bread flour has more gluten than cake flour. Gluten is the protein in flour that produces elastic, stretchy dough and chewy breads.

What happens to water and flour when you knead dough?

When water and flour are combined, bonds are formed and continue to build throughout the process of kneading due to gluten, the glue-like substance present in wheat and other grassy grains. This substance is what gives wheat it's characteristic elasticity.

Why do humans knead flour?

Kneading develops the gluten in the flour so that as the yeast works and produces gas, the gas is trapped within the gluten's structure thus causing the dough to rise. Typically ten minutes kneading by hand, or 5 minutes with a mixer dough hook. 1 to 1 1/2 hours rising time is needed for the dough to double in size. kneading is hard work by hand but the pulling and stretching the dough I believe gives a better result.

Is high gluten flour good to use for cakes?

No. High gluten flour is used for baking breads, where a more chewy texture is desired. Lots of mixing and kneading "works up" the gluten in bread dough to create that chewiness. For cakes, which should have a delicate crumb, low gluten flour (pastry flour) is preferred.

Can you use cake and pastry flour in the bread machine?

Yes you can but the result will be a rather flat loaf as pastry and cake flour do not contain as much gluten as bread flour. Gluten which is developed by kneading the bread dough is essential to a well structured bread.

What effect will gluten have in cakes?

When "worked up" by mixing or kneading, gluten makes dough elastic and the finished product chewy. This is desirable in bread but undesirable in cake which should have a "tender crumb" without being chewy or tough like bread. This is why bread flour has higher gluten content than cake flour.