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The bond between the two atoms in a nitrogen molecule is much stronger than the bond between the two atoms in an oxygen molecule. Therefore, the free energy change driving a reaction with oxygen is usually greater for reaction with oxygen, and the activation energy barrier is always lower, allowing the reaction with oxygen to proceed more rapidly, despite the greater concentration of nitrogen.

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Q: Why During combustion in air carbon sulfur and other non metals combines with oxygen not with nitrogen which is about 78 percent?
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Ali Mahmoud Zghoul has written: 'Evolution of sulfur and nitrogen species during pulverized coal combustion' -- subject- s -: Coal, Combustion

Nitrogen dioxide colorless gas that forms when fuels do not burn completely?

Carbon monoxide is the "standard" answer but carbon dioxide and water vapor are both formed even during incomplete combustion and both meet the criteria of odorless and colorless. In addition nitrogen and argon are present in the off gases of combustion, ithey are both colorless and odorless.

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Most explosives contain nitrogen compounds because these compounds often have high stability and can release large amounts of energy when they undergo combustion or decomposition reactions. Nitrogen compounds such as nitroglycerin and TNT have nitrogen atoms that form strong bonds, making them highly reactive and explosive when triggered. Additionally, the presence of nitrogen allows for the release of small gas molecules during combustion, generating a rapid expansion of gases that results in an explosive force.

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Glowing gases observed during combustion is called a "flame."

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If limited then combustion is reduced, if totally restricted then there's no combustion at all

Is oxygen one result of combustion?

No. Oxygen is a reactant in combustion, not a product.

Is moecular oxygen a reaction during a combustion?

No. Molecular oxygen is a reactant in a combustion reaction.

What is atmospheric nitrogen?

Certain plants (notably legumes - beans) and many bacteria act as nitrogen fixing agents, taking nitrogen from the air and producing nitrogen compounds by combining nitrogen with other elements. Nitrogen fixation can also occur as a result of lightning and some human activities, such as combustion. Other than that, it stays in the atmosphere, and fixed nitrogen eventually returns to the atmosphere, as well, to begin the cycle again.

What 2 substances are formed when gasoline burns with oxygen during combustion?

During complete combustion, carbon dioxide and water are formed. If incomplete combustion occurs, carbon monoxide and water are produced.

What is the name of the pollutant caused by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels?

Carbon monoxide is produced during incomplete combustion of any hydrocarbon or fossil fuel. Adding oxygenates (molecules containing oxygen) to the fuel and maintaining the proper air/fuel ratio can reduce the amount of carbon monoxide generated.