

Best Answer

due to

vaccume process

drying if it is rapid at first dryer

used flour

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Osama Badr

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6mo ago
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Q: Why During pasta manufacturing there are white spots in pasta?
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What are the white spots on dried spaghetti is it mold?

White Spots On Dry Pasta بقع بيضاء على المكرونة الجافة If you’ve ever wondered what those white spots on your dry pasta are, the most common explanation is the presence of mold spores. However, it’s important to note that dry pasta itself does not mold easily. بقع بيضاء على المكرونة الجافة إذا كنت قد تساءلت يوما عن تلك البقع البيضاء على المكرونة الجافة ، فإن التفسير الأكثر شيوعا هو وجود جراثيم العفن. ومع ذلك ، من المهم ملاحظة أن المكرونة الجافة نفسها لا تتعفن بسهولة. These spots on fresh or cooked pasta could be signs of mold growth due to improper storage or exposure to irregular light. They could also be a result of physical damage or color loss that occurs with time. To avoid any potential health risks, it is recommended to discard pasta with white spots. يمكن أن تكون هذه البقع على المكرونة الطازجة أو المطبوخة علامات على نمو العفن بسبب التخزين غير السليم أو التعرض للضوء غير المنتظم. يمكن أن تكون أيضا نتيجة للتلف المادي أو فقدان اللون الذي يحدث مع مرور الوقت. لتجنب أي مخاطر صحية محتملة ، يوصى بالتخلص من المكرونة ذات البقع البيضاء. White Spots On Dry Pasta بقع بيضاء على المكرونة الجافة - موقع زدنى علما zdny3lma

Does a great white have spots?

Not a great white does not have spots

White spots on the cervix?

i have white spots on my cervics,what does that mean?

What is the pattern of the white spots on the white tail deer fawns?

Just spots.

Do a key deer have spots on it?

it have white spots on it

What is white pasta made from?

white pasta is made from wheat, gluten, flour, water and an Italian secret recipe

Can yorkie puppies have white spots?

Well they can't have spots like round spots, but there can be patches of white on they' re body

What ingredients are useed to coloer pasta?

red pasta: fermented tomatoes white pasta: lequid cheese

Why is your molly fish starting to get white spots?

Look at "why has my fish got white spots?"

White spots on body?

If you have white spots on your body, maybe you should see a doctor.

A white dog with black spots are called?

A Dalmatian has black spots and white skin

Why is wholemeal pasta better than white pasta?

Because its more wholesome