

Why Filipino didn't not learn the Spanish language?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Filipinos have their own languages. Why should they be forced to learn another.

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Q: Why Filipino didn't not learn the Spanish language?
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Who donated the Wikang Filipino to the Filipinos?

Nobody donates a language. A language is either inherited of acquired. A Filipino born in another country can learn to speak the language of the country where he or she is born and not learn to speak Filipino. A concrete example is in the USA. There are many Filipinos who are born in the USA whose parents are from the Philippines but can only speak English. Therefore Filipinos inherited and acquire to speak Filipino since we all learn at the very early age the Filipino language.

What is second language acquisition?

I think it is when you learn a second language. Like, if you speak English as your first language, then learn to speak Spanish fluently, you acquired Spanish as your second language.

What is your goal in a Filipino class?

The goal in a Filipino class is to learn more about the language, how to pronounce the words correctly, how to know the good grammar and how to speak Filipino fluently.

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Is it impossible to learn spanish?

No, the Spanish language is more than able to be learnt.

What is the the best language Spanish or french?

Learn both...

How can you help promote the essence of Filipino language?

You can promote the essence of the Filipino language by using it in your daily conversations, writing, and social media posts. You can also support local Filipino language initiatives, attend cultural events, and encourage others to appreciate and learn the language. Additionally, sharing Filipino language resources and tools can help promote its importance and richness.

What is the easiest language to learn to read and write?

it matters what region you are from. if your from Argentina its Spanish because your surrounded by Spanish-speaking people and its the language your probably being taught to learn when your a child.

What is the important of the filipino language?

The Philippines has hundreds of dialects spoken depending on the place where the person lives. Filipino is the national language in the Philippines. It is important that Filipinos learn this language for better understanding of one another. It is learned that Filipino language is an effective tool not only for the advancement of the society but for resolving conflicts all over the land.

What is the importance of English language to us filipino?

It is very important to know English when you go to abroad and to have a better job, so filipino have to learn how to speak in English.

How can Pimsleur help one to learn Spanish?

There are many ways Pimsleur can help one to learn Spanish. Pimsleur can help one to learn Spanish by teaching lessons that allow one to learn the language naturally.

How do you say learn Spanish in Spanish?

Learn Spanish = Aprender español In Spanish But if you want to learn spanish you can visit e-Tuitions and select spanish language and levels like beginner, intermediate and advance. At cheapest cost Visit now e-Tuitions