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Q: Why Great Britain needed Australia as a penal colony?
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What country once ruled Australia?

Australia was once a colony of Great Britain.

Was Australia a colony or a colonial power?

Australia was a colony of Great Britain. It was never a colonial power.

What purpose did Australia serve Great Britain?

it was a penal colony

Why is Australia considered a former colony?

Australia is considered a former colony because it was established as a colony of Great Britain in 1788. Its early Governors were all appointed by the authorities in Great Britain, and its laws were set by British laws.

When the Europeans settled Australia what type of colony was it supposed to be?

The original European settlement of Australia was as a penal colony, an outpost and colony of Great Britain. There were some free settlers as well.

When was the last time Australia went to war?

When Britain got involved because at the time it was a colony of Great Britain.

What were the reasons behind Australia's involvement in world war 2?

Reasons for Australia's InvolvementAustralia was a colony of Great Britain.

Where did Great Britain choose to make a penal colony because of its remote geographic location?


Why did Australia go to war?

Because Australia is an ally of Great Britain. Since Great Britain wanted to go into War, Britain needed more power, and with more power, they needed more people. So Great Britain increased its power by getting all Commonwealth Countries to fight on the Allies side.

What war made the government of great Britain look to Australia as a penal colony?

War of 1812 I think

What group of people was brought from great Britain to live in Australia?

Convicts, vagabonds.. but primarily convicts, as Australia was originally used as a penal colony.

Who settled Australia as a prison colony?

Australia was originally settled as a penal (prison) colony by Great Britain in 1788. The first Governor who established the colony at Sydney was Arthur Phillip. Great Britain in 1788.