

Why PDA's are so popular?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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13y ago

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Well, PDAs now have massive computing power along with a slick pocket friendly design that allows the user to make it more portable than other devices such as a netbook. PDAs do not have as much computational power as a desktop or even a laptop but there are good bang for your buck when you need a pocket computer. With that said a Smartphone can better adjust to somebody's needs.

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What brands of PDAs are most popular?

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Explain why PDAs are so popular and identify three things that a PDA could be used to do?

waiters use it because it's portable and easy to carry so waiters can get order quickly.i hope this answer is true

Where can one buy cheap used PDAs?

There are many places to buy cheap and expensive PDAs, used and new. One of the most popular and trusted places to buy anything cheap and used online is ebay.

What are the most common forms of pdas?

The most common forms of PDAs are Smartphones, palm PDAs and pocket PCs.

Why are pdas popular?

Well, PDAs now have massive computing power along with a slick pocket friendly design that allows the user to make it more portable than other devices such as a netbook. PDAs do not have as much computational power as a desktop or even a laptop but there are good bang for your buck when you need a pocket computer. With that said a Smartphone can better adjust to somebody's needs.

Where can one find handhelds and PDAs?

Handheld PDAs are available from Amazon. Alternatively you can purchase handheld PDAs from eBay and other online sites new. You can also buy them second hand from Gumtree.

What brands make PDAs considered to be superior or above-average?

In my opinion, Blackberry and Palm make the most functional PDAs

What is the meaning of Palmtops and PDAs?


Early color handheld pdas?

There are many different models of color handheld pdas. However, the first few models were the Palm and the Newton.

Does a pda have a gear built in it?

No, PDAs do not have gears in them.

What is the impact of pdas on society?

they dont have one