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Because radio control relies on different frequencies. Since frequencies are involved in the process, an audio amplifier can be used to amplify alternating currents (currents that change), and it does the same job.

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Q: Why RC coupled amplifier is called audio amplifier?
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Circuit diagram of RC coupled amplifier?

One of the several uses of an RC coupled amplifier is to amplify the given input signal. It makes use of a sinusoidal input signal.

What happens if you remove emitter resistor in RCcoupled amplifier?

what happens if we remove Rc in RC coupled amplifier

What is meant by RC coupled amplifier?

an amplifier, where the resistor and capacitor get coupled to provide high oscillations hence by which amplifications increases at high degrees

What is loading effect in two stage RC coupled amplifier?


Loading effect in RC coupled amplifier?

Loading of Rc coupled amplifier occurs, if you doesnt use coupling capacitors...... If avoiding input coupling capacitor the amplifier will load the function generator.. For more details go to

Advantage and disadvantage of RC coupled amplifier?

Electrical Engineering It has a wide frequence response .the gain is constant over the audio freq range which is the region of most important for speech music

Working of Rc coupled amplifier using negative feedback?

As gain increases bandwidth decreases.

Why you need RC coupled amplifier?

Rc coupled amplifier is used where good frequency response required. in case of multistage amplification system,To prevent resistance of one stage to come in parallel with next stage, it is used. we use capacitor as a coupling element between two consecutive stages.

How do you design a RC coupled bjt amplifier using pnp transistor?

same as you would using an NPN, except the supply voltages are reversed

What happens if amplifier is connected t a DC voltage?

It will depend on the which kind of amplifier it is ,if it is made from Op amp(Non inverting Amplifier) it will simply amplify(multiply)the signal with a factor depend on the configuration of circuit which is also known as gain of the circuit.For instance if gain is 2(dimension less) and input DC voltage is 2 Volt output would be 4 Volts. and if it an Audio or RC coupled amplifier output would be zero Hence i Wrote in the starting "It will depend on the which kind of amplifier it is"

Working of RC coupled amplifier?

In a two stage RC coupled amplifier, the two transistors are identical and a common power supply is used. The input is provided to the first stage of the amplifier where it is amplified and this output is used as input for the second stage. This is amplied once again by the other transistor in the second stage and the final output is obtained. There will be a 180 degree phase shift after the first stage amplification which is nullified by the 180 degree phase shift of the second stage amplification.Thus, we obtain an output which is an amplified signal of the input and is in phase with the input signal.

State the application of RC coupled amplifier?

To increase the power gain ,high input impedance,low output impedance,and increase the weaken signal