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Because it has all the flowers bunched in the head or capitulum

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Q: Why Sunflower is not considered for studying the parts of a flower?
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Is sunflower is bisexual?

The sunflower is a bisexual flower. This means that it has both male and female reproductive parts, so you not need both a male and female plant in order to have flowers.

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The endocrine system is an organ system. When studying the parts of the endocrine system and their structure, you are studying anatomy. When studying how the endocrine system works, you are studying physiology.

What do the flower parts do for the flower?

They help is grow,without stems it would not grow. The parts are a very important part of a flower. A flower would not be a flower without the parts.

Is a yellow bell complete flower?

A yellow bell is considered a complete flower. It contains all of the reproductive parts like the pistils, sepals, stamens, etc.

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What parts of the flower is colorful that protects the flower where seeds are made?

Petals are the most colorful parts of the flower

Is grass and flowers considered a plant?

No, flowers are a parts of a plant. Some plants don't have flowers, but all flowers come from plants.

What are the 4 main parts of a flower?

the four main parts of the flower are the petals, sepals, stamen, and the pistil!?

Why camia flower is complete flower?

The camia flower has all the parts of a flower so it is a complete flower.

2 What part of a flower produces pollen?

There are two parts of a flower that produces pollen. The two parts are the stalk and the top of the flower.

Four parts of typical flower?

The four parts of a flower are sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels.

Is flower a liquid or a solid?

A flower is neither a liquid nor a solid. It is a plant organ that consists of various parts, including petals, sepals, stamens, and pistils. It is considered a solid object.