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maintaining the chromosome number during sexual reproduction

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keeping the amount of DNA in the cell

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Q: Why The reduction of the chromosome number during meiosis is most important?
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The chromosome number is reduced from diploid to haploid during what?

meiosis I is reduction, meiosis II is division.

Are the chromosome copied before meiosis or during meiosis?


During meiosis the chromosome number does what?

During meiosis, the chromosome number decreases by half. For example, if a human cell with 46 chromosomes were to undergo meiosis, the result would be four daughter cells with 23 chromosomes in each.

What does the chromosome number do during meiosis?

During meiosis, the chromosome number decreases by half. For example, if a human cell with 46 chromosomes were to undergo meiosis, the result would be four daughter cells with 23 chromosomes in each.

How does the significance of meiosis maintained the chromosome number?

No. Meiosis results in halving of chromosome number. Chromosome number after one round of meiosis is half that of original chromosome number. Generally, meiosis takes place during gamete formation. So when two gametes fuse, they lead to restoration of the chromosome number. Hence chromosome number can be maintained in sexually reproducing organisms.

Crossing over occurs during which phase of meiosis?

Crossing over occurs during Prophase I of meiosis.

What stage of of meiosis do homologous pairs separate?

Reduction Division

What happens during meiosis that results in a defect characterized by the deletion of a chromosome?

what happens during meiosis that results in a defect characterized by the deletion of chromosomes

When does the reduction of chromosomes from the diploid to the haploid number take place?

During meiosis

What is the significance of the reduction in the chromosomes number during meiosis?

Ya mum.

What are the Two strands of chromosome that become visible during meiosis or mitosis?


What is it called when a change in the chromosome during meiosis occurs?

This change is know as polyploidy.