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Asia develops so fast, it arouse the attention of all over the word.

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Q: Why US is concerned about territorial disputes in Asia?
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How did the US settle territorial disputes?

they got pistols and went ham with riffels and shotguns

What was the US' main economic interest in southwest Asia?

The United States is primarily concerned with petroleum

What problems did jay's treaty and pinckney's treaty solve for the us?

They had difficulties and they really didn't work out things

Why did he US go to war in the Philippines?

The US went to the war in the Philippines for the hegemony of the territory and in direct disputes with China. This way, the US could dominate the Asia Pacific region. Also, in this process it could kick Spain out of the picture.

Why was the US concerned about Japanese plans for southeast Asia?

the states wanted trade routs. he who controls the trade routs wins.

What earliest disputes in the US government could be traced to?

geographic disputes

What made Japan see the US as a threat to the authority in Asia?

America was coming to the aid of the Philippines and Guam and that made Japan see the US as a threat to its authority in Asia. Also, Japan was concerned about the US support of the Chinese government once we started speaking with them again.

Is it illegal for the president of the us to interfere in labor disputes?

I dont think so, hes the president False! It is NOT illegal for the president of the US to interfere in labor disputes.

What is one of the things the eleventh president did while he was in office?

James Polk was the 11th US President. He settled the Oregon Territory boundary dispute with Great Britain via a treaty and settled the territorial disputes with Mexico via the Mexican War and eventuall treaty.

What were the US concerned about the development in Vietnam?

The US was concerned about the development of Communism in Vietnam

The US policy of impartiality in Europe's disputes?


What US policy of impartiality in Europe's disputes?

The US policy of impartiality in Europe's disputes leave the United States neutral. The policy stated the US will take no side in the French and British wars.