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Veins appear blue because light, penetrating the skin, is absorbed and reflected back to the eye. Since only the higher energy wavelengths can do this (lower energy wavelengths just don't have the *oomph*), only higher energy wavelengths are seen. And higher energy wavelengths are what we call "blue." Blood is never purple although deoxygenated blood is a deeper shade of red than fully oxygenate blood.

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Q: Why Veins carry purplish blood but you do not bleed a bluish-purple blood when the vein is cut?
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Color of oxygenated blood?

Oxygenated blood color is Red so when you bleed it is red because it is oxygenated.In your body unoxygenated its purplish-blue.

Why do pit bulls bleed?

Anything that has blood can bleed. If the parts (skin, arteries, veins, etc.) that hold the blood in the body are cut then the blood escapes out (bleeds).

What carry the purplish or blue blood back to the heart to get more oxygen?

Veins carry the blood back to the heart and lungs for more oxygen. then the arteries carry the blood that now has oxygen it it to the rest of the body.

Is blood a purplish blue color?

Blood is red. Your veins viewed from above the skin may give the illusion of blue due to light refraction and other factors. The common misconception of "blue" blood is continued due to textbook illustrators use of blue and red to differentiate arteries and veins.

When human finger nails grow long does a vein grow in them?

Ofcourse not, you don't see them, your fingernails can't bleed and the body doesn't see a need to put nerves in it.

Do veins carry blood back to the heart?

Yes. Veins transport blood to the heart, while arteries transport blood away from the heart.

What type of blood vessel carries the blood to the heart?


What happens when blood pools in the veins?

Varicose veins form when blood pools in the veins.

What return blood to the heart?

Veins return blood to the heart.The pulmonary veins.

Why it is not very dangerous for a person if one of his veins is cut?

The vessels that carry the blood around the body are divided into veins and arteries. Arteries deal with the blood going out of the heart, and the veins deal with the blood going back into the heart.The veins, being the return path for the blood, sees less pressure than the arteries. An injury to a vein will bleed slower than an injury to an equally sized artery. With a slower bleed, there's more time to stop it before the blood loss becomes life threatening - so it's less dangerous.Do note that less dangerous doesn't mean safe! All bad bleeds should be treated by a doctor.

What connects blood vessel and the veins?

veins are blood vessels

Why blood is donated from veins?

because you blood is inside your veins.