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The human body cannot function at temperatures much outside of the normal range of 37 degrees C. When significant deviations occur, the organs do not work properly and will end up shutting down, which can result in illness, pain, and death.

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10y ago

All the body systems work best at 98.6F (plus or minus 1) because the systems work at their best. Too low, the systems slow down, too high, the proteins all denature (are killed).

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Q: Why a human body temperature should be 98.6 degree Fahrenheit?
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What is the temperature of fever in Fahrenheit?

Average human body temperature is 98.6 Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by a doctor.

What is 99 degrees Fahrenheit?

It is the whole degree Fahrenheit closest to normal human body temperature (98.6° F). 99°F is about 37.2°C

What Fahrenheit temperatures are considered to be a fever?

The average human temperature is 98.6 Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by doctors.

Is 101.2 Fahrenheit fever?

Average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by a doctor.

If a human body temperature is 39.6 is this good or bad?

The average human body temperature is 98.6 oF or 37 oC. 39.3 in degree Celsius or degree Fahrenheit? If it is 39.3 oF then it is very very low and if it is 39.3 oC(102.74 oF) then you are suffering from fever. In the case of 39.3 oF human is dead. There are no records of such a low temperature of human body.

The significance of 37 degrees Celsius?

37 degree celsius is 98.60000000000001 degrees Fahrenheit which is the average internal temperature of the human body.

A human body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius about how many IN FAHRENHEIT?

98.6 is the normal human body temperature in Fahrenheit degrees.

What is a fever in Fahrenheit?

Average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by doctors.

What is the normal body temperature of a human being in degrees Fahrenheit?

The human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 37 degrees celsius

Is 98.96 degrees Fahrenheit a temperature?

Well yes, it's a temperature, but I suspect you're asking whether it's a fever. Average human body temperature is 98.6 Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by a doctor.

What is the normal temperature and humidity of a human?

The average, adult human temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature should the human body be?

98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37.0 degrees Celsius) is the normal temperature of the human body. Although some people naturally have slightly higher or lower body temperatures.