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Q: Why afforestation increases rainfall?
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Why afforestation required?

Afforestation refers to planting of trees in order to replenish forest cover. It is a good way to ensure the land gets enough rainfall to support plant life. Afforestation also ensures that wildlife can get a good habitat to thrive.

What happens to productivity as rainfall increases?

Productivity decreases as rainfall increases. Marine life tend to be more productive when there is less rainfall in their ecosystem.

How does afforestation reduce silting?

Afforestation, planting more trees, stabilises the soil, preventing erosion by water and even landslides. This means that rainfall is more likely to seep into the ground, rather than washing the soil into rivers and streams where it becomes silt.

How do canyons mountains and cliffs usually change after the amount of the rainfall dramatically increases?

When rainfall increases erosion increases, wearing away the mountains and cliffs and filling in the canyons with the products of erosion.

What happens to the rainfall in Texas as it moves from east to west?

Rainfall increases as it moves west in Texas.

How is afforestation helpful to us?

Afforestation means planting more trees. This helps by - 1) It prevents soil erosion. 2) Planting more trees (afforestation) increases the amt. of oxygen in the air. 3) Trees have medicinal properties and we get various products such as wood, food, flowers, paper, etc, so we should follow afforestation and not deforestation! I hope u understand my explanation and u plant more trees! :)

What are the objectives of afforestation?

objective of afforestation in abuja

Why is sometimes rainfall decreases when temperature increases?

The reason why sometimes rainfall decreases when the temperature increases is because the hotter temperature absorbs some of the rain water. This also makes for humid conditions.

How can you increase rainfall?

We can increase rainfall by planting more trees in the desert and not cutting off the trees in the forests, because trees contain a type of gas that increases the rainfall.

How can you and your school can help with afforestation?

we can play games.we can stop afforestation.

What is importance of afforestation?

important of afforestation is to save our earth,to survive us,to save the earth from the pollution.