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Q: Why agar is more rapid in proving the purity?
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Which technique agar or broth provides more information?

Out of the two, nutrient agar will provide more information on the variety of bacteria that are in an environment. Nutrient agar is a better environment for bacteria and fungi to thrive in.

What will happen if the correct concentration of agar is not used?

the more agar in your gel the less far and more difficult it will be for your samples will run, the less agar, your samples may not run straight and have a higher probability to be bunched up

What is the Comparative and superlative of rapid?

more rapid, most rapid

What is the comparative form of rapid?

The comparative of rapid is more rapid

What is the comparative and superlative of swiftly?

More quickly is the comparative and Most quickly is the superlative.

What is the comparative and superlative degree of rapid?

more rapid, most rapid

What is the comparative and superlative to the word rapid?

more rapid, most rapid

What is the comparative degree for rapid?

more rapid

If an organism can grow on both a nutrient agar and a MacConkey Agar on which would you expect it to grow better?

The organism would be expected to grow better in nutrient agar. Nutrient agar is rich in nutrients and microorganisms grow well when there is availability of nutrients.

Which grows more bacteria broth or agar?

Agar, because broth is a natural fuel source for bacteria, whilst some types of agar are scientifically created, which makes it supreme for growing bacteria.

What kind of agar should be used to grow bacteria from hands before and after washing for a grade 8 science fair?

blood or nutrient agar would work, but blood agar will most likely grow more bacteria.

What does agar in the petri dish provide the bacteria with?

A medium (substrate) to grow on and, depending on the agar, nutrients for growth. See link below for more information.