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Drinking alcohol is a sin because it is forbidden by God and his prophet Mohamed (peace upon him). Quran says (in meaning translation):

" O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks) and gambling..... are an abomination of Satan handiwork. so, avoid (strictly all) that abomination in order that you may be successful. Satan wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of ALLAH (God) and from the prayer. So, will you not then abstain"

[Quran, chapter 5, verse 90-91].

On the other hand, there is no health benefit of drinking alcohols but it is waste of money. Drinking alcohol has many negative health effect.

Drinking alcohol is also sinful in all religions including Judaism and Christanity although some Christian denominations do not forbid alchohol drinking.

Excellent answer above. I'll add that drinking does heavy damage to one's liver and nervous system. It causes alcohol addiction and impairs the senses. It is one of the main causes behind car accidents. For pregnant women, alcohol can handicap the baby. It is also, of course, a big waste of money. Drinking can also lead to rape, robbery, and other crimes that wouldn't be done while sober.

There is wisdom in forbidding alcohol.

Yes, it is very sinful. Allah does not want us to harm our bodies by drinking Alchol. And when you drink Alchol you are not in control in your actions.All drugs that arent good for your body is sinful.

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In Islam, people are forbidden from drinking alcohol as this makes you unable to control your senses and effectively controls your actions for a period of time.

There are also references to this in the Holy Qu'ran:

*{They ask you concerning alcohol and gambling. Say: 'In them is a great sin, and some benefits for men, But the sin is far greater than the benefits.}* (Al-Baqarah 2: 219)

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Q: Why drinking alcohol in Islam is a sin?
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yes, but competitions on what is good not in sinful deeds as drinking alcohol or gambling.

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I know that alcoholismwas one of his concerns, which is why Islam forbids the drinking of alcohol.

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Islam does teach that Adam ate of the tree, but Islam does not teach that sin is hereditary.

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Pinkie brown does not drink alcohol at the start of the novel, due to him believing it to be a sin, however towards the end of the novel he believes he is going to hell as he is the epitamy of evil and commits every sin possible including drinking alcohol.

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not sure but it is a sin to commit suicide in Islam as is in Christianity.It's a sin in Islam to commit suicide

What is the negative connotation of drinking?

When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.

Does the Catholic Church consider alcoholism a sin such as adultery?

Yes, and no. The Catholic Church considers alcoholism as in drinking to excessive over a period of time a serious sin. Alcoholism, the condition where the body has become acclimated to a large consumption of alcohol would no longer be considered a serious sin, in and of itself, but the drinking that got you to that point would be considered a serious sin. To be considered a serious sin, free will must be involved, and a free decision. When you get to the point where there is little free will involved and little to no decision then you are looking at other sins perhaps, but no longer the original serious sin of just drinking to excess. Which is not to say that no sin is involved.

How do you spell without alcohol in spanish?

The phrase is "sin alcohol." (pronounced seen, sin= without)

What is the difference between drinking wine and other beverages with alcohol?

First, wine is alcohol. So drinking alcohol is no different than drinking wine.