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Q: Why alkyl halides give alcohol with aqueous KOH whereas wit alcoholic KOH they give alkenes?
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What does halides have in it?

well halides have usually other atoms in it but these halides have fluorine chlorine and calcium

Why vinyl halides and arylic halides are less reactive than other halides?

In vinyl and arylic halides, Carbon Halogen bond have double bond character due to presence of lone pair of electron on halogen atom. So it can not be easily broken as compared to carbon halogen bond in other halides, so they are more reactive than other halides.

Are carbonates and halides silicate or non silicate?

carbonates and halides are non-silicates.

Does halides contain silicon?

only silicon halides contain silicon. others dont

Is silver halides a metal or alloy?

Siver Halides are neither a metal or an alloy. They are a salt.

Explain the formation of two layers in the Lucas test?

Since alkyl halides are not soluble in water, two layers form if an alcohol was present to react with the ZnCl2:HCl mixture.

Why is phosphorous form two halides?

Phosphorus can have variable oxidation state and have two different oxidation states in its halides. Hence forms two types of halides of the type PX3 and PX5 (where X is the halogen).

How can quarternary alkanes be produced from lower alkyl halides?

Quarternary alkanes can be produced from lower alkyl halides through carbocations.

Which group of p block elements react to form halides?

halogens react to form halides

What are some anion?

The halides are a family.

The aim of precipitation titration?

Precipitation Titrations are used for the analysis of halides and pseudo-halides for quantitative determination, as well as for some metal ions.

Are alkyl halides basic or acidic?
