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Q: Why allele is represented with the letter I?
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A person with a heterozygous gene?

A person with a heterozygous gene has one dominant allele, usually represented by a capital letter, and a recessive allele, which is usually represented with a lowercase letter. So an example of a heterozygous gene would be Rr

How is a dominant trait represented in a punnett square?

Dominant alleles are written in upper case (i.e, 'A'), while recessive alleles are lower case (i.e, 'a')

A recessive allele is represented by an letter?

Most of the time a recessive allele is expressed using lower case letters in comparision to the upper case dominant alleles.

How do scientists represent a dominant allele?

with the traits first letter as a capital { ex: tall will be represented as T} the recessive allele will be the same letter as a lowercase letter { tall, dominant, is T, short ,recessive, so it would be t

What allele is represented by capital letters?

In a Punnett square, a capital letter denotes the dominant allele and a lowercase letter denotes the recessive allele.

How do you represent alleles?

Alleles are represented as: Gg Where G is the dominant trait and g is the recessive trait Therefore, homozygous dominant would be: GG Homozygous recessive would be: gg and heterozygous would be Gg

What letter is a dominant allele represented with?

When writing a genotype, it is classic in genetics to use upper case letters to indicate dominant alleles and lower case letters to indicate recessive alleles. Let's say the flamingo color gene is represented by the letter P. The pink allele is dominant, so it would get a capital P, but the purple allele is recessive, so it would get a lowercase p.

What is a recessive genes?

Recessive is a relative term used to describe the relationship to another allele termed the dominant allele. That traits of the recessive allele will only be shown if the person has two copies of the recessive allele. If a dominant allele is present, then the recessive trait will not be shown.

A fly has two alleles for the color of its eyes The green allele is recessive and is represented by q The blue allele is dominant and is represented by p If 20 of 100 organisms are green what is?

A. 0.45 Apex

A fly has two alleles for the color of its eyes. The green allele is recessive, and is represented by q. The blue allele is dominant, and is represented by p. If 44 of 100 organisms are green, what is P?

, 0.34 Apex

A fly has two alleles for the color of its eyes. The green allele is recessive, and is represented by blue allele is dominant, and is represented by p. If 28 of organisms are green , what is p?

0.47 (apex)

A fly has two alleles for the color of its eyes. The green allele is recessive and is represented by q. The blue allele is dominant and is represented by p. If 11 of 100 organisms are green what is qt?

0.34 (cst)