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because alpha particles are charged.

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Q: Why alpha particle exhibit definite range in matter?
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Related questions

How manyneutrons are in an alpha particle?

There are 2 neutron in an alpha particle.

Which has the largest mass alpha particle gamma ray positron or beta particle?

The alpha particle is much more massive than a beta particle. A beta particle is an electron, which has very little mass. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus, and consists of two protons and two neutrons.

Which of these masses is the largest alpha particle antineutrino gamma radiation beta particle?

Alpha Particle

The nucleus of a helium atom is called?

The nucleus of a helium atom is called an alpha particle. The electromagnetic waves emitted by a nucleus are called gamma rays.

Is alpha particle non fundamental?

Yes, the alpha particle is nonfundamental.

Are alpha particle negative or positive?

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus; it has a charge of +2.

Is alpha wave or particle?

Alpha is a particle not a wave. Alpha particle are positively charged helium nuclei and have a +2 charge and 4u mass.

What is a chemical particle?

A chemical particle refers to the small portion of matter that make a particular chemical. For instance, the helium nucleus is an alpha particle with 2 neutrons and 2 protons.

What are the characteristics of an alpha particle?

An alpha particle has the charge 2+ and the mass 4.

How do the mass and size of an alpha particle compare with mass and size of beta particle?

The mass and size of an alpha particle compare with the masa and size of beta particle in the sense that the alpha particle is significantly larger in both size and mass that the beta and gamma particles. This is why it is called the alpha particle.

Is an alpha particle is identical to the nucleus of a?

An alpha particle is identical to the nucleus of Helium atom

Symbol and charge of alpha particle?

The charge of an alpha particle is 2+ and the symbol is α2+.