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Maybe your maturing and growing up, maybe you've "outgrown" your friends so you find new ones that you find you have more in common with. It's perfectly normal ofcourse, friendships fade, new ones are created, life comes , life goes, and most importantly life does inevitably go on. Stay confident in who you are as a person and see the world around you with open eyes, surround yourself with people who let you truly be yourself.

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Q: Why am I starting to just not like my friends anymore?
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Make new friends. Sometimes, you just have to keep moving on. Or, talk to your old best friends and ask them why they don't like you anymore. <3 CoPz LoVeR <3

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it most likely means they don't like you anymore or they just want to be friends. i'm sorry

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tell them that you dont want to be friends anymore because they are annoying or if you like them and they are just annoying tell them that they are annoying and need to stop or you wont be their frend anymore HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!

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that means she lied. she doesnt want to have anything to do with you anymore. if she's pulling away from you, she's just hoping you'll take it as a easy let down. if she wanted to be friends she wouldn't have done that.

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find new ones and get revenge

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She probably either is starting to not like the guy anymore and starting to have doubts, or she may just be afraid of getting too emotionally close to someone else.

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if you like him then yes be friends with him and if he turns out to be a jerk then don't be friends with him anymore

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Just gotta take that risk. You either wanna go all the way, or just stay friends. Make a sacrifice.

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that question doesn't make sense. but he is probably bangin other chicks or just doesn't like you anymore.

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tell her that u have a lot of friends and that u would like to be with more friends then just her and it is hard to make/have friends when the same friend follows you around all the time and is constantly bye your side. (in the annoying kind of way)

What can you do if your best friend is friends with one of your other friends but you dont like her anymore?

* You might as well start learning now that you can't always have your way and each of your friends has the right to choose the friends they like and if you don't like them then be gracious enough by being civil to them for your friends sake.

I like this boy and my friends told him and he's behaving totally different toward me like ignoring me what should i do?

before your friends told him he probably liked you as a friend and had no idea you liked him. now he probably doesnt wanna be friends with you anymore or just doesnt wanna bother with you. sorry :p. but if you still wanna be friends with him say to him that you dont really like him [ even if you do ] and that your friends were just making it up. then tell him youd still like to be friends with him maybe itll work ? :] sorry if it doesnt lol. for more advice, email me at