

Why am i white?

Updated: 4/22/2024
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8y ago

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If you mean by 'white', that you are pale skinned, fare harired and blue eyed, the you are ethnically a 'Caucasian'.

This characterisitcs come about because both your parents where caucasian. So it follows through the DNA/Gene system, that you are caucasian.

The three other main Ethnic groups in the world are ;-

#11; Mongoloid ; chinese, japanese. This group contains inuits(eskimos), and Amer-inds(North American Native people, Incas, Aztecs.

#2 ; Neg-roid ; African, and 'Black Americans'. The word comes from the Spanish word for 'Black'.

#3; Australoids ; Australian aboriginees. It is a very small unique group.

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8y ago

if you mean Caucasian, it is because your parents are, , if you mean white like being pale, you are probably ill

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