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the net force on bodies in stable orbit is nil, the force of gravitational attraction , is balanced by the centripetal force of velocity in a circle.


example, any orbit radius ( if orbit time not important)

choose your orbit radius, calculate force of gravity, tailor velocity to produce balancing centripital force


f=((G*m1*m2)/d^2) force of gravity

f = m2 *( v^2/d ) centripetal force

G = newtons constant

m1 = earth mass

m2 = satellite mass

d = orbital distance

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Q: Why an astronot in orbiting satellite has a feeling of weightlessness?
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When was Feeling the Space created?

Feeling the Space was created on 1973-11-23.

Is weightlessness the same as zero gravity?

There is no such thing as zero gravity. The reach of gravity is infinite - you are even affected by the smallest rock in the farthest galaxy by 0.0000000000000000000000001 newtons. Weightlessness is a feeling: generally when you are in free-fall because you are in geosynchronous orbit, you are always falling just back into the loop. Astronauts in space feel the reduction in gravity and if they are not in orbit would feel differing pulls from different directions when they move to different locations. Between the Earth and the Moon there is a point called the Lagrange point: it's the distance from both the Earth and the Moon that their pulls are equal. At this point you would 'float' forever, at least until another body comes near and adds it's gravity to the mix. Astrology could have a possible affect on you but it doesn't take into account all objects in the Universe and thereby is a stab in the dark. The location and pulls of gravity from different objects could make you feel better or worse but we don't have the tools to measure this.

What is another word to use to describe a heavenly feeling?

Other words for a heavenly feeling can be rapture or ecstasy.

How do you sleep with only one percent gravity in space?

You need gravity to stay in bed, but you don't need it to sleep. In microgravity or weightlessness, once you get used to the feeling of always falling, you can sleep quite nicely. It's wise, though, to arrange some sort of restraint, just so you don't go floating around the whole crew quarters every time you turn over. So the crew of the bygone Space Shuttle, for example, or the International Space Station, just slip into their bags, which are loosely tied or buckled to the wall/floor/ceiling, and drift off.

When field recordings record ambient sounds it means they?

Include the feeling of a place and time

Related questions

At what speeds does one achieve zero g forces?

Zero g forces give the feeling of weightlessness. It is not a certain speed that gives the feeling of weightlessness, but the change in the amount of gravity.

How do you put weightlessnessin a sentence?

When you enter space, you encounter a feeling called weightlessness.

What is the floating feeling in space called?

The feeling is called "falling".It happens because of the apparent lack of gravity,which leads to weightlessness.

What kind of feeling people get when they approach the top of a pendulum ride?

At the top of a pendulum ride, people have the momentary feeling of weightlessness.

Is it possible for the body to have zero velocity and non zero average acceleration?

Yes, satellite orbiting the Earth in a Geo-Stationary Orbit has 0 Velocity relative to a point on the Earth, BUT it experience the 'Pull' (acceleration) of Gravity, which prevents it from escaping its Orbit. The Gravity is LESS than that at the surface of the Earth, but not 0. The feeling of WEIGHTLESSNESS is not due to Zero Gravity, but due to the fact that Object is FALLING through its Orbit. A Person Falling "feels" Zero Gravity.

Space words that start with the letter w?

Weightlessness occurs in space. Astronauts circling the earth in space experience the feeling of weightlessness.

How would it feel like if you were floating freely in space?

The feeling of weightlessness is similar to the feeling you have when floating in a swimming pool. Buoyancy is a pretty good simulation of weightlessness. Although there is NO friction in space so you would be either dead from explosive decompression or (if you were wearing a space-suit) you would bee throwing up in your helmet from rapid spinning.

Has anyone ever gotten sick on a spaceship?

Yes, many people have and it's often a result of getting used to microgravity or "weightlessness" feeling.

Person sitting in an artificial satellite of the earth have?

... a feeling as if his weight is zero, because he is constantly falling around the Earth in the satellite's orbit..

Can you achieve weightlessness while skydiving?

At no point during a skydive does the jumper feel weightless, unless they are jumping from a fixed object like a hot air balloon or a helicopter, where a feeling of weightlessness can happen for the first second or two. This is because air resistance provides a force to balance gravity throughout the entire skydive.

If a cable snaps in an elevator and starts falling will the person inside float?

No, you have a feeling of weightlessness, but you technically aren't floating you are just falling inside the falling elevator.

What word describes the feeling of being an outsider viewing present time almost as if having an out-of-body experience?

Peace,silence,warmth,weightlessness,freedom from pain, both physically and mentally, and finally,understanding and enlightenment.