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  • There are some men that can love two women and can be married to one and living with the other or, be married to both women (bigamy.) Some men lead secret lives and the woman he lives with may not have one hint he is living a second life. However, there must have been some signs that you wished not to see. He had to be spending sometime with his wife to keep her happy which would mean he would obviously be gone long lengths of time. This man is immature and ego maniacal and don't let him think for a moment he isn't going to be responsible for his own child. You deserve to receive child support. It is difficult to build your future around someone you love and to also carry their baby, but he is the one that will pay dearly for his mistake and not you although I am sure you will be a little wiser in the future. Getting over such a heartbreaking relationship is very similar to grieving over the death of a loved one. It is, almost like a death ... a death of a relationship you cherished with fond memories and what you thought was a glowing future together so it is normal to feel heartbreak and sorrow. Grieve for awhile, but once the tears are over then seek legal counsel (or Legal Aid) and see what your rights are in your State. Perhaps you will end up with the newly built house and child support. Don't be blinded by love and go after this man to shoulder the responsibility of what he has done.
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Q: Why and how do you get over finding out that the man you have been in a relationship with for the last six years is married. We were building a house together and I was trying to get pregnant.?
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