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Eighteen wheeler accidents are so dangerous due to the size of the trucks and the weight the carry in cargo. It takes an eighteen wheeler about 40% longer to stop than it does an average sized car.

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Q: Why are 18 wheeler accidents so dangerous?
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He has to wait one more year i think so :) So he is 18 then and can take even four whell licence

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How far can an eighteen wheeler go on 240 gallons of fuel?

18 wheelers average 5-7 MPG so that would be 1200 to 1680 miles.

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Where is there a list of 18 wheeler games?,, check these websites out so you can try to find the game you are looking for. Good luck and remember games are meant for fun, so have fun.

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Becaus there is a lot of dangerous things like cutter , Sawdust ,Iron filings , Blades machines and many dangerous thinks like that so it's important to have all safety Conditions & tools Wlecome

How old do you have to be to ride in an 18 wheeler?

You can ride in one at just about any age, so long as it's approved by the owner and company insuring the vehicle. To drive one, you must be 18, but you must be 21 to drive one in interstate operations.

Are there venomous snakes in Cebu?

Common dangerous snakes are the venomous cobras and pit vipers. Both prey on mice and rats are therefore common around houses. Fatal accidents are, however, very rare. The most dangerous snake in the country, the King Cobra, is not found in Cebu. Sea snakes are another matter. They are common in the seas around Cebu island, but no fatal accidents have been reported so far.

Why is trick or treating dangerous?

Trick or treating can be dangerous due to factors like traffic accidents and pedestrian safety. Children often roam the streets after dark, which increases the risk of accidents. Additionally, there is a potential for tampered candies or treats, although such cases are rare. Finally, there is a risk of stranger danger, and it is important for children to be accompanied by adults or go to well-lit, familiar neighborhoods.

What is the fear of 18 wheelers?

18 wheelers are very big and madly loud, they're so monstrous that one of the transformers can take the form of an 18 wheeler (as I'm sure you know already), I don't think there's a name for this phobia, however I can understand where you are coming from and if you explain your fear to other people will get it too.